January - Volume XI , Issue 1
This Year You CAN Keep Your Resolutions ! Here Is How …
The New Year ushers in that desire to start fresh , to make resolutions and to stick to them . According to many sources , the top resolutions that people make are : losing weight , eating healthier , getting fit , quitting smoking , spending more time with the family , going back to school , getting a better job , saving more money , volunteering , and traveling . These are all great goals ! Check out these tips …
1 . Keep it real . Have you ever heard this expression ? “ The easiest way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time .” So , whatever you ’ re tackling this year , take it slow , chunk it down . For example , instead of saying I ’ m going to lose X amount of weight by such and such date , resolve to eat healthier , have portion control , and move your body for 30 minutes a day .
2 . Write it down . Some people say , “ a goal not written down is just a wish .” So put it in writing . Hang your words up where you can see them and be moved by them everyday . Who cares if there are sticky notes all over the bathroom mirror as long as you ’ re keeping yourself motivated .
3 . Architect your journey . Do more than write the end goal , spell out the path to getting there . How are you going to get from point A to point B ? Create a tangible map for this journey .
4 . Find your cheerleaders . Get the support of the people in your life that care about you and want to see you reach this goal . Enroll their support by telling them about your plans , you can do this both offline and through social media online .
5 . There is probably an App for that . You ’ ve got the world at your fingertips and whether you are losing weight , quitting smoking , going to school , or saving money there is probably an App for that .
6 . Keep track . There is no growth without measurement , so measure ! Create a visual system that will help you to chart your progress and keep you on track towards your goals .
7 . Press on . It ’ s not over til it ’ s over . If there are roadblocks , and there will be , you ’ ll need to figure out a way around them . Don ’ t let anything keep you from your goals this year .
Keeping your resolutions can help you to feel happier and more fulfilled . Be tenacious and stick to your plans . Then next year , you can look back with a sense of accomplishment .
Cool Blogs , Sites & Online Resources to Check Out !
www . SparkPeople . com
This web site is so cool for anyone seeking a healthier lifestyle . It ’ s got a great , usable platform and is packed full of motivation . You can have access to a community , fitness trackers , calorie counters and more . Plus , there are loads of very well written motivational articles and advice . You ’ ll enjoy the look and feel of the site , but best of all you ’ ll love the content .
. StickK . com
This is a really fun concept . You set the stakes against your goals in the form a monetary pledge , or there are referees to monitor you , and people to cheer you on . You ’ re required to sign a “ commitment pledge ” and studies show that those who work with a referee are 2X as likely to reach their goals and those who work with a cash pledge are 3X as likely . So if you ’ re ready to take your goal setting and achieving to new heights check out this super cool website and go for it in 2017 .
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