Healthy Home Newsletter November 2017 - Volume XV, Issue 11 | Page 2

Quotes for November …
“ When I started counting my blessings , my whole life turned around .” -Willie Nelson “ Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it .” – William Arthur Ward
Get Inspired
“ Thanksgiving Around the World ”
With our Thanksgiving in the books many of our friends are looking forward to American Thanksgiving . Did you know Thanksgiving is celebrated at different times throughout the world . Here are a few you may not have known about :
Germany ’ s Erntedanfest is a festival that originated as a way to celebrate another year ’ s bountiful harvest and give thanks for continued good fortune . In rural communities , celebrations really do revolve around the actual fruits of the harvest . However , more urban areas celebrate with special church services or citywide festivals . Parades are common occurrences . It ’ s also very common for families to roast fowl for dinner . It ’ s not all about turkey , though . People are even more likely to roast fattened chickens , hens , capons , geese , or ducks .
Outstanding Client Of The Month !
Meet Jane and John Gregg
These wonderful clients recently invited us into their beautiful home to do some cleaning . We took care of their upholstery and carpets and did what we do best . And we know putting your trust in a company to take care of delicate furniture pieces and your carpets takes courage , and we appreciate their trust in us . For your faith in us , you are our client of the month . Thank you !
Every month I choose a very special Client Of The Month . It ’ s my way of acknowledging loyal clients and saying a big “ Thank you !” to those who support me and my business with referrals and repeat business … You could be my next Client Of The Month !
Kinro Kansha no Hi is a national holiday whose name translates to “ Labor Thanksgiving Day .” It is celebrated each year on November 23 rd and , although derived from harvest festival rituals of the ancients , is more about celebrating and honoring concepts like community involvement , diligence , and hard work . Japanese Thanksgiving is a relatively new holiday , having only been established in 1948 . It first began as a way to acknowledge and celebrate post-World War II Japanese workers , as well as their strength and tenacity . Common ways to celebrate include festivities led by various labor organizations . It ’ s also common for children to present public servants like police officers with gifts , artwork , or crafts .
The Netherlands
Many people are unaware that not everyone on the Mayflower was an English settler . For some of the pilgrims , England was merely a pit stop on their way to America . Those pilgrims were from the Netherlands . It ’ s said that their influence can be seen in certain elements of American life as we know it today , including but not limited to ladder-back chairs , civil marriages , and more . The Dutch still commemorate and honor the settlers that were originally from there with their own version of Thanksgiving . Celebrations include special church services and special foods that are enjoyed . You won ’ t see a turkey or a big , steaming bowl of mashed potatoes on a Dutch Thanksgiving table , though . It ’ s all about cookies and coffee for them , preferably enjoyed after church .
These are just a handful of the many nations around the world that celebrate some form of Thanksgiving . Others include but absolutely are not limited to Norfolk Island , Liberia , and Grenada .
– Source : arcadiapublishing . com
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