Healthy Home Newsletter May 2019 - Volume XVll, Issue 5

Mothers’ Day Around the World Cool Blogs, Sites & Online Resources to Check Out! th May 12 is Mothers’ Day, and what a great opportunity to celebrate Mothers. Here are some Mothers’ Day facts you may not have known. In most countries Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, among them the Canada, the US, most European countries, Australia, New Zealand, India, China, Japan, the Philippines and South Africa. One notable exception to this rule are the UK and Ireland, which celebrate Mother's Day on the fourth Sunday in Lent. Most Arab countries celebrate Mother's Day on March 21st (vernal equinox). Most East European countries celebrate Mother's Day on March 8th. In most countries, Mother's Day is a recent observance derived from the holiday as it has evolved in America. When it was adopted by other countries and cultures, it was given different meanings, associated to different events (religious, historical or legendary), and celebrated on a different date or dates. Some countries already had existing celebrations honoring motherhood, and their celebrations have adopted several external characteristics from the US holiday, like giving carnations and other presents to your own mother. An Amazing Website to Visit This Month: “Mint” Mint is a FREE and easy personal finance website and mobile app that helps you keep track of all your bank accounts, investments, savings and trans- actions. You can set personal budgets each month to stay up to date on your spending. Mint brings together everything from balances and bills to your credit score and more. Again, it’s free and easy to get started, and Mint connects to almost every US financial institution connected to the internet. at ©2019 Piranha Marketing, Inc Hope you benefit from this website!