Healthy Home Newsletter January 2018 - Volume XVl, Issue 1 | Page 2

Healthy Talk
Get Inspired
Have a Safe , Healthy , and Happy New Year !
You and all of our clients helped make this year special for the PCS team . Our team always loves the chance to see our clients and how they brighten our days . Making a difference in your homes makes a difference in our lives .
Once again we thank all of those apologetic-eyed animals , careless kids and clumsy friends . And a special thanks to those of you who have been patient with them and made good use of our services !
Best Wishes and Good Fortune for You and Your Families in the Year to Come !

Healthy Talk

8 Tips For Eating Out Without Pigging Out
The hardest part of staying on a healthy diet starts when you step outside your front door . Eating away from home is the downfall of many committed healthy eaters because most restaurant menus feature high-fat , supersize meals . And those eateries that do offer low-cal alternatives often are more expensive . So here are 8 moneysaving strategies for eating healthy when you ’ re away from home :
1 . Before you go to lunch or dinner , eat a light snack . A piece of fruit or some veggies will take the edge off any hunger pangs and give you the energy to make sensible choices when choosing where and what to eat . If you wait until you ’ re ravenous , you ’ re more likely to settle for fast food , order too much or gobble down breadsticks while you wait . 2 Avoid ordering anything with the title “ supersize ” or “ value meal ” or “ combo .” Choose regular-size sandwiches and spend any leftover cash on a piece of fruit for dessert . 3 . Ask your waiter to hold the chips and salsa or bread and butter until your meal is served . Save your appetite for the main course . 4 . Have an appetizer as your entrée . The portion sizes for appetizers are often sufficient to fill you up , and you ’ ll save money . 5 . Split an entrée with a friend . In many restaurants , a main course with an extra side is plenty of food for two . 6 . Plan to have leftovers . Order with the intention of taking half home with you for another meal . 7 . Ask your server to keep dressings , sauces and toppings on the side . You can get the flavors you want without the extra fat and calories . 8 . Share one dessert with everyone at the table . Your sweet tooth can be satisfied with just a bite or two .
Quotes for January …
“ The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you set them you immediately begin to create momentum .” -Tony Robbins
“ No one ’ s ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that ’ s abandoned by February .” -Suze Orman
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