Healthy Home Newsletter August 2017 - Volume XV, Issue 8 | Page 2
Get Inspired
“Don’t judge each day by
the harvest you reap, but
by the seeds that you
–Robert Louis Stevenson
More facts on the upcoming Total Eclipse
5. This eclipse will be the most-viewed ever. This is based on three
factors: 1) the attention it will get from the media; 2) the typical
weather on that date; and 3) the large number of people who will have
access to it from nearby large cities.
6. Totality is safe to look at. During the time the Moon’s disk covers
that of the Sun, we are told it’s safe to look at the eclipse. In fact, to
experience the awesomeness of the event, those who experience
totality (that doesn’t apply in Canada) must look at the Sun without a
7. Yes, the Sun’s a lot bigger. Our daytime star’s diameter is
approximately 400 times larger than that of the Moon. What a
coincidence that it also lies roughly 400 times farther away. This
means both disks appear to be the same size.
8. You won’t need a telescope. One of the great things about the
total phase of a solar eclipse is that it looks best to naked eyes. The
sight of the corona surrounding the Moon’s black disk in a darkened
sky is unforgettable. That said, binoculars give you a close-up view —
but still at relatively low power — that you should take advantage of
several times during the event.
The Big Move
Cancer Ride
9. Only one large city has a great view. Congratulations to the
609,000 people in Nashville. The city center and parts north of it will
experience 2+ minutes of totality. Unfortunately, that’s the only large
city with a great view.
Sunday, September 10 th
For the ninth year, the scenic roads of
Niagara will be filled with inspired
cyclists who have come together to
support patients of the Walker Family
Cancer Centre. The Big Move Cancer
Ride, happening on Sunday,
September 10th at Club Roma in St.
Catharines, is a grown-in-Niagara,
non-competitive cycling event. Since
2009 the Ride has raised $3 million
that help patients here in Niagara. Our
Niagara Clean and Healthy Team will
be there and would appreciate your
10. It will also be seen in the U.K. The total solar eclipse in the U.S.
results in a small partial eclipse visible at sunset in the United
11. This event will happen! For astronomers (professional or
amateur), some of the problems they have are due to the uncertainty
and limited visibility of some celestial events. Comets may appear
bright if their compositions are just so. Meteor showers might reach
storm levels if we pass through a thick part of the stream. (Oh, and the
best views are after midnight.) A supernova as bright as a whole
galaxy is visible now, but you need a telescope to view it. In contrast,
this solar eclipse will occur when they say, where they say, for how
long they say, and in the daytime, no less. Guaranteed!
Quotes for August…
“Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I’m only falling apart. And there’s nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart.”
- Bonnie Tyler (from the 1983 hit song, ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’)
“When the moon covers the sun, we have a solar eclipse. What do you call it when birds do that?” - Kim Young-ha
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