Healthy Home Newsletter August 2013 - Volume XVII, Issue 8

Pets Make Powerful Partners in Weight Loss
August 2013 - Volume XVII , Issue 8
Owners : Len Hume & Annette Marchionda
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Pets Make Powerful Partners in Weight Loss

( BPT ) Lives . Homes . Furniture . Even beds . People share a lot when a dog or cat is part of the family . Unfortunately , one trait that far too many owners and pets have in common is excess weight .
The silver lining is that while many pets and their owners are tipping the scales , losing weight is something they can do together , as people and pets make great weight loss partners for reasons both scientific and psychological .
The following tips are for people and pets during weight loss :
Walk before you run . If you and your pet are new to an exercise program , set manageable short-term goals and gradually increase the level of difficulty and duration .
� Play together .
� Connect mealtime with exercise . Before breakfast or dinner , squeeze in a short walk . Teach your dog to earn his treat by performing a trick first .
Embrace snacking . Snacks for people and treats for pets can be built into a healthy meal plan , and can serve as protection against binge eating . Frequent small meals can also boost metabolism and keep hunger away .
Drink up . Don ' t forget to always hydrate , before and after exercise , and throughout the day . Sometimes thirst can be confused for hunger . Plus , avoiding dehydration will eliminate many headaches , since a majority of headaches can be linked to not drinking enough water .
Of course , consult with your physician - and veterinarian - before beginning any weight loss , diet or exercise program .
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