Healthy Food Myths Busted 1 | Page 2

Healthy Food Myths That Are Making You Fat

With people growing cautious about what they should or should not eat ; dieticians and nutritionists are gaining much popularity . In addition , this has lead to much information flowing in the market about what is or is not healthy . Over the years , a large population has been lead to believe in many fabricated facts such as fats are unhealthy and such . Given following are some of these myths that need to be clarified before you can go on to adopt a healthy routine .
Fat Is Unhealthy ( Cliché ’) Over the years , the culture of processed food intake has been increasing . This has lead people to consume more fat than they require , meanwhile avoiding many other nutrients . Hence , lower fat consumption was advised whenever you went to a dietician . This has somehow concluded to making fat unhealthy . Although fat is very important for athletes or other people who require much physical exertion in their daily life . However , the fat should come from a natural source ( i . e . milk , meat fat , dry-fruit etc .) and not from a processed source ( i . e . fast food , vegetable oil , etc .).
Eggs Are Full Of Cholesterol Cholesterol is another much feared terminology these days . While cholesterol is only a term defining the amount of energy consumption , people have started to believe that cholesterol makes you fat ( it actually indirectly does make you fat ). Eggs have too much cholesterol only means that they are really good energy sources . However , if the amount of energy consumed is not used , it will all turn into fat and store somewhere in your body . That is where cholesterol is bad for you .
Vegetable Oils Are Healthier Than Butter To put it simple , vegetable oil is a processed product whose cholesterol is eventually going to be bad for your health . However , butter made from grass-fed cows consists of pure fat , while the fat present in vegetable oils is made up of Omega-6 fatty-acids .
Products That Say “ Healthy ” On The Packet Are Good Starting with sugar filled cereals that are rich in whole grains , to subs that are made with fresh vegetables and meat are all a hoax . The cereals are full of difficult-to-digest sugar ,