Healthier Times Volume 1 • Issue 1

Healthier Times


How undigested food affects the stomach and digestive system

Conditions associated with undigested food
• bloating • constipation • gas • gastritis • IBS • oesophageal reflux • peptic ulcers • ulcerative colitis
• malabsorption of nutrients ( weakened immunity , osteoporosis etc .)
When food cannot digest it ferments forming gasses and alcohols . The gas build-up creates pressure forcing digestive juices to reflux , and alcohols which are formed in the fermentation process cause erosion , inflammation and ulcerations of the mucosal lining . Factors which inhibit digestion
• Low Stomach Acid ( or high PH ) Many people with digestive ailments are under the misconception that they are OVER producing stomach acid , but in actual fact they are often not producing ENOUGH stomach acid . The body ’ s natural ability to produce stomach acid / hydrochloric acid ( HCI ) is affected by certain factors like stress , nutrient deficiency and aging . Additionally , low levels of acid also allow certain bacteria such as H . pylori and E-coli to survive and proliferate inside the stomach and digestive system .
• Stress - emotional , physical or mental Digestion is dramatically impacted by stress . The body produces adrenaline and cortisol in reaction to stress . This is what is commonly termed the ‘ natural fight or flight ’ reaction . Extreme stress causes the body to over-produce cortisol to counter these higher stress levels . Excessive cortisol hinders sleep patterns , digestion and metabolism , resulting in digestive disorders and weight gain . The body ’ s adrenaline response increases the heart rate and redirects blood from the digestive system to the muscular system . This results in an accumulation of undigested food and the build-up of damaging gasses and alcohols .
Other causes of digestive disorders and damage to the mucosal lining include alcohol abuse , long term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pain medication , all of which cause inflammation and erosion of the gastric mucosal lining which inhibit the secretion of digestive juices . Healing benefits of The Other Option ’ s DIGESTIVE REMEDY
• Natural Anti-inflammatory Properties DIGESTIVE REMEDY has natural anti-inflammatory properties which strengthen and heal the inflamed or ulcerated lining of the oesophagus , stomach and digestive tract .
• Digestion DIGESTIVE REMEDY naturally stimulates the release of digestive hormones which boost digestion and increase the absorption of nutrients .
DIGESTIVE REMEDY vs antacids , acid blockers and proton pump inhibitors ( PPI ’ s )
The Other Option ’ s DIGESTIVE REMEDY naturally improves digestion by stimulating the release of digestive hormones . Antacids , acid blockers and PPI ’ s neutralize , reduce or block the release of stomach acids which treat the symptoms . Stomach acid is vital for digestion . Without stomach acid the body is unable to digest food and break it down into nutrients which are essential for the normal functioning of our bodies . Without these nutrients and proper digestion , our brain , bones , immunity and nerve functions are all compromised .
Opt for our effective , safe and natural product , The Other Option ’ s DIGESTIVE REMEDY . This natural remedy supports , maintains and promotes digestive health and vitality . www . theotheroption . co . za