Healthcare Needle-free Blood Drawing Devices Market | Page 2

REPORT DESCRIPTION Needle-free Blood Drawing Devices Market – Overview Venipuncture or venepuncture is the process of obtaining blood by gaining intravenous access. This process is used for many purposes such for blood sampling and for removing excess blood for the treatment of polycythemia vera, an ailment that results in elevated blood volume or hematocrit. In healthcare, this process is performed by physicians, laboratory scientists, or phlebotomists. There are mainly two types of venipuncture, namely those conducted with needle and syringe and those with vacuum tubes. Both these techniques have their own disadvantages, with the patient suffering from excruciating pain in both scenarios. Needle-free blood drawing devices were invented as a relatively pain-free alternative to conventionally used devices. The needle-free blood drawing device operates by providing a micro-particle with momentum, which then penetrates the adjacent dermal tissue. An attached negative pressure barrel then draws blood from the site. A healthcare professional places the device, similar to the size of a golf ball, on the patient's upper arm, subsequently pushing a button.