Leadership Development : A Must-Have for Future Success
Healthcare leaders face a daunting future . There is continued uncertainty about our nation ’ s ability to curb the current COVID-19 pandemic . Beyond that , there is the need to retool existing processes to meet the needs of a new decade . There are mounting cybersecurity threats and a push to incorporate new technologies . There are new competitors to traditional healthcare delivery systems as well as the need to develop new partnerships in order to grow in the direction of future demand . At the same time , healthcare staff are experiencing high levels of burnout and suffering mental health issues due to their traumatic work environment . Many staff are retiring ; many more are deciding to leave bedside care prematurely .
Many are wondering if existing leadership is up to the challenge .
The situation is summed up by a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst :
“ Our current health care systems are not well-structured to address these problems . Transforming them will require a combination of short- and long-term solutions built on system-level resilience and leader effectiveness … the industry must wrestle with not only what this means for health care delivery , but more importantly , what this means for successful leadership ” ( Lobdell et al ., 2020 ).
Facing these challenges , many leaders see a need to focus on their own professional development . Many lack experience in leading
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