Healthcare Hygiene magazine September 2021 September 2021 | Page 35

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But the key issue will be doing high-impact things for the long term , and this will influence future crises , future pandemics , and on many other societal problems : global warming , animal cruelty , civil rights , poverty , hunger , neglected tropical diseases , etc .
• genome analysis ) to rule out persistent viral RNA shedding and possibly recrudescence . SARS-CoV-2 reinfection has yet largely unknown implications for immunity . Therefore , further research is warranted .”
The Way Forward
Nuanced guidance and the embracing of uncertainty could make great strides toward resolving much of the angst at the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic and certainly ease the impact of the next one through lessons learned .
Escandón and his co-authors make a key observation that “ COVID-19 pandemic is a stark reminder of ignored yet important gaps , challenges , and opportunities in scientific communication , health education , and policy implementation .” Addressing these deficits may take years , perhaps even long after the next pandemic occurs , and it competes with other priorities facing the healthcare sector .
“ It ’ s already hard to be critical and mostly correct when reviewing evidence and pointing out flaws of studies and concerns with the interpretation of data ,” Escandón says . “ Addressing the challenging aspects of poor scientific communication , illiteracy , and context-insensitive policymaking is a much harder further step . So , where to begin ? I think that many are already doing short-term things with some impact and effect . That ’ s good and necessary . I mean , discussing and educating in virtual platforms , writing pieces , posting videos , providing advice to NGOs and government agencies . But the key issue will be doing high-impact things for the long term , and this will influence future crises , future pandemics , and on many other societal problems : global warming , animal cruelty , civil rights , poverty , hunger , neglected tropical diseases , etc . Common-ground solution here is education , empathy , and equity . We need more of those three from and for every human being since their earliest ages of life . We need to embrace diversity , understand context , be respectful , give more to the most needed , and all of that starts with home and school education , fair political administration , and community engagement .”
Reference :
Escandón K , Rasmussen AL , Bogoch II , et al . COVID-19 false dichotomies and a comprehensive review of the evidence regarding public health , COVID-19 symptomatology , SARS-CoV-2 transmission , mask wearing , and reinfection . BMC Infect Dis 21 , 710 ( 2021 ). https :// doi . org / 10.1186 / s12879-021-06357-4


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