Healthcare Hygiene magazine October 2024 October 2024 | Page 3

ProFormance ™ Cleaning Verification Clearly Visible , Easy to Interpret , Objective Tests of Cleaning Methods

ProFormance ™ Cleaning Verification Clearly Visible , Easy to Interpret , Objective Tests of Cleaning Methods

When the ultrasonic cleaner is supplying sufficient energy and condi�ons are correct , SonoCheck™ will change color . Problems such as insufficient energy , overloading , water level , improper temperature and degassing will increase the �me needed for the color change . In the case of major problems the SonoCheck™ will not change color at all .
Reveal the hidden areas of instruments with TOSI ® - the easy to use blood soil device that directly correlates to the cleaning challenge of surgical instruments . TOSI ® is the first device to provide a consistent , repeatable , and reliable method for evalua�ng the cleaning effec�veness of the automated instrument washer .
The LumCheck™ is designed as an independent check on the cleaning performance of pulse-flow lumen washers . Embedded on the stainless steel plate is a specially formulated blood soil which includes the toughest components of blood to clean .
HemoCheck™ & ProChek-II™
Go beyond what you can see with all-in-one detec�on kits for blood or protein residue . HemoCheck™ is simple to interpret and indicates blood residue down to 0.1μg . The ProChek-II™ measures for residual protein on surfaces down to 0.1μg .
hmark . com | 800.521.6224 | healthmark @ hmark . com
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