Healthcare Hygiene magazine October 2024 October 2024 | Page 16

Having a department with an integrated team with diverse expertise can enhance professional satisfaction in a field often without many opportunities for traditional upward mobility or promotion opportunities . In addition , having a motivated workforce may reduce staff burnout , improve job satisfaction , and contribute to a positive workplace culture .” compliance monitoring ) have time to also develop a broad and deep background in the enormous literature of infectious diseases , hospital epidemiology and infection prevention .
Weber , et al . ( 2023 ) add further that “ Having a department with an integrated team with diverse expertise can enhance professional satisfaction in a field often without many opportunities for traditional upward mobility or promotion opportunities . In addition , having a motivated workforce may reduce staff burnout , improve job satisfaction , and contribute to a positive workplace culture .”
In the Crystal Ball Initiative survey , some participants expressed concern that essential expertise would be lost if core IP & C practices were to be overseen by quality managers , as an example of an integrated approach . As Sax , et al . 2024 ) note , “ This apprehension touches on the contrasting cultural roots of patient safety efforts between quality management and clinically oriented IP & C . Participants emphasized the universal importance of clinical experience in IP & C and leadership by IP & C experts that should not be lost . This view was confirmed shortly after the survey when the pandemic resulted in the sudden urgency to incorporate IP & C dimensions into healthcare structures and policies at the institutional , national , and international levels . It should be noted here that the value of IP & C expertise goes beyond the healthcare spectrum . As the pandemic continued , the involvement of experienced IP & C experts at the government policymaking level was employed in some countries to strengthen the effectiveness of risk communication in the public sphere .”
Weber , et al , ( 2023 ) proposed that additional programs might be evaluated as part of an integrated infection prevention department . They advocate for development of a formal “ infection prevention liaison ” program , which could include a member from each clinical ( such as medical intensive care unit ) and nonclinical unit ( like radiology ) that meets at least once a month with key members of the infection prevention department and receives periodic infection prevention lectures and updates . They add that liaisons can serve as two-way communicators , such as updating their units with the latest infection prevention policies and providing feedback from individual units to infection prevention leadership .
Back in 2009 , Brannigan , et al . posited that “ To be effective , infection prevention and control must be integrated into the complex and multiple interlinking systems within a hospital ’ s management structure . Each of the systems must consider how activity associated with it can be optimized to minimize infection risk to patients … Infection prevention and control cannot be the role and responsibility of a single individual or a small , dedicated team ; rather it should be a priority at all levels and integrated within all management systems , including the research and educational agendas .” They add , “ A comprehensive organizational approach should be adopted , one which recognizes existing management structures and facilitates development of a model that fully integrates infection control into hospital management and the quality agenda . Infection control must be a core part of governance and must maintain a high clinical profile alongside a high management profile .”
According to the Crystal Ball Initiative , the question about in whose hands will infection prevention in healthcare settings lie in 2030 , is unresolved , but there might be an opportunity for further organizational research to identify the most effective IP & C integration models for different healthcare settings . But as one survey participant noted , “ IP & C nirvana in 2030 will see IP & C integrated across every aspect of healthcare and the role of IP & C experts shrinking to be more influencers and leaders and fewer coveters of technical know-how . IPC is and will be stronger and more influential if we ( the IP & C community ) secure a strong voice at the global health table . If we do not , others jump in and take our place , and almost without exception , those “ others ” lack experience / expertise , capability , and competence to talk with depth and understanding on IP & C .”
No matter how IP & C departments are set up , hard skills are in demand among infection preventionists as technology in healthcare explodes .
As Sax , et al . ( 2024 ) explain , “ Technological advances are imagined as helping free IP & C staff from repetitive office work and allowing them to be more present at the front line of patient care . Thereby , IP & C is projected to ideally evolve in two directions , by increasing the benefit of technology and automation on the one hand and fostering typical human skills such as mindful social behavior and face-to-face exchange (‘ soft skills ’). Fears of data breaches , flawed artificial intelligence , and the ongoing difficulties with IT integration did apparently not trigger significant concern . This optimistic view might be due to a natural professional bias among preventionists toward proactive system improvement .”
“ Technology is advancing fast , and while that creates huge opportunities , it also introduces risks ,” Sax confirms . “ In a positive future , AI and automation could free up time for IP & C professionals to spend more time interacting with frontline staff , which would help close the gap between how we imagine work happens and how it actually happens . That could lead to better system design . But the flip side is that as technology makes healthcare more complex , there ’ s a greater chance of unintended consequences . And , of course , organizational barriers remain one of the toughest challenges . Many participants emphasized the importance of soft skills — being able to advocate for IP & C within those structures is critical .”
Regarding automation and digitalization of the healthcare sector , Crystal Ball Initiative survey participants say data will be accessible to IP & C teams through automated analytics and queries . Typical data sources include electronic medical records , laboratories , patient feedback , and multiple sensors . In addition , invasive devices are electronically identified and contribute to risk management on individual and institutional levels .
As one expert noted , “ The surveillance for infections will be fully automated , leaving the IP & C team free to put eyes on high-risk areas to identify risks , assess compliance with protocols , and provide just-in-time coaching . Video auditing will enhance the reach of the human IP & C resources . Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) or similar tech will be added to all indwelling devices and interact with the electronic medical record to automate device day counts , which will feed into the automated surveillance system . IP & C protocols will be embedded into electronic medical records to provide real-time clinical guidance . Decision support regarding
16 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com • october 2024