Healthcare Hygiene magazine October 2021 October 2021 | Page 46

• Positive changes in sterile processing departments
( SPDs ) and other healthcare service areas often come from reaching out to allied department ( or , in many cases , multiple departments ) and putting collective minds together to drive best results . two . Most IPs will be eager to learn the processes and serve as another set of eyes on SP practices , and their involvement could shed more light on process improvement opportunities . Working closely with IPs can also help ensure that SP has the tools and resources needed to work safety , effectively and in accordance with standards and guidelines .
Biomedical Engineering / equipment vendors : Collaborating with biomedical engineers and equipment vendors allows them to see how SP equipment is being used . At a previous facility where I worked , we were visited by both Biomedical Engineering and equipment vendors ; during that visit , it was identified how an ultrasonic could be moved closer to a workstation to save steps and help deliver optimal results . This collaboration also helped us identify high-use equipment and rotate equipment cycles for improved utilization .
Environmental Services : Partnering more closely with environmental services ( EVS ) professionals can help the SPD determine the most appropriate cleaning schedule . If EVS does not know the SPD ’ s needs or understand the reasoning behind them , the service may not be viewed as a top priority . Working together builds a stronger relationship that helps sets proper expectations to improve patient and employee safety .
Units / Clinics : Point-of-use instrument care is not always taught or demonstrated , so employees from user departments or clinics may lack the information and tools needed to complete the important function properly and consistently . They may even falsely assume instrument care is the sole responsibility of the SPD . One example is when flexible bronchoscopes or other endoscopes are brought to the floors / units for procedures . Endoscopy professionals don ’ t always understand they have a responsibility for point-of-use treatment of the endoscopes following their use . If this pointof-care step is skipped , most endoscope instructions for use call for an extended cleaning process , which can add many more hours to the reprocessing of the device . Effective collaboration and education about the importance of point-of-use instrument care will help eliminate these types of challenges .
C-Suite : Hospital administrators don ’ t always know the needs and challenges of the SPD such as insufficient staffing , limited instrumentation inventories , outdated or malfunctioning equipment , and lack of current industry standards , to name a few . SPD leaders must communicate clearly and regularly with those at the administrative level . The more those in the C-Suite know about the vital needs of the SPD , the more willing they will be to meet those needs and recognize the value of the department .
Working in siloes will rarely deliver positive outcomes , especially in a healthcare environment where all departments play a critical and often connected role in delivering exemplary services in the name of patient care , employee safety , and infection prevention . The open pursuit of interdisciplinary collaboration will help bring success to the organization and the individual departments by encouraging open communication to discuss unique challenges and practical solutions .
Tony Thurmond , CRCST , CIS , CHL , FCS , is an IAHCSMM past-president and IAHCSMM fellow who serves as central service manager at Dayton Children ’ s Hospital .
46 october 2021 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com