Healthcare Hygiene magazine October 2021 October 2021 | Page 44

vaccination may be coming soon . In the meantime , public accountability can provide the urgency to align stakeholders and overcome logistical barriers . Though a small proportion of unvaccinated HCP may be firm in their decision , a much larger group are likely unsure and waiting for more information . Town halls , education seminars , and Q & As can be helpful but rarely occur at a time when they can be accessed by night-shift workers . We suspect that regardless of what health systems are currently doing to get their HCP vaccinated , they could probably be doing more . Sharing data can also help to normalize vaccination among hesitant HCP . Finding out that a high proportion of your coworkers have been vaccinated may be compelling if the vaccination rate among your immediate peer group is much lower . In hospitals with relatively low vaccination coverage , higher coverage at a nearby institution may send a signal to staff and leadership that they have fallen behind .”
They add , “ COVID-19 vaccination has been framed as a personal choice . In light of this , healthcare facilities may be reluctant to report data that they perceive are beyond their scope or reflecting the private health information of their employees . However , the choice to abstain from vaccination affects public health and patient safety . Coworkers and patients bear the consequences alongside the unvaccinated individual . Thus , improving vaccination coverage is ultimately the responsibility of the healthcare facility . We recognize that public reporting of COVID-19 vaccination coverage among HCP may present challenges , and most healthcare facilities will prefer to wait and see if reporting becomes mandatory . However , we strongly encourage healthcare facilities to report their vaccination rates voluntarily before they are required to do so . Facilities with high vaccination rates should publicize their numbers . Patients at those facilities will feel reassured , and competitors will feel pressured . Hopefully , more HCP will get vaccinated , keeping themselves , their communities , their colleagues , and their patients safer .”
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