Healthcare Hygiene magazine October 2021 October 2021 | Page 40

The consensus statement notes that for flu vaccination , when healthcare employers instituted policies of influenza vaccination as a condition of employment , compliance rose to 94.4 % compared to
69.6 % in organizations without a requirement . vaccination as a condition of employment we raise levels of vaccination for healthcare personnel , improve protection of our patients , and aid in reaching community protection . As healthcare personnel , we ’ re committed to these goals .”

The consensus statement notes that for flu vaccination , when healthcare employers instituted policies of influenza vaccination as a condition of employment , compliance rose to 94.4 % compared to

69.6 % in organizations without a requirement . vaccination as a condition of employment we raise levels of vaccination for healthcare personnel , improve protection of our patients , and aid in reaching community protection . As healthcare personnel , we ’ re committed to these goals .”

SHEA convened a multiorganizational panel of experts in infectious disease prevention , law , and human resources , with representatives from AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine , The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology ( APIC ), the Infectious Diseases Society of America ( IDSA ), the HIV Medicine Association ( HIVMA ), the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society ( PIDS ), and the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists ( SIDP ). The panel conducted an eight-week review of evidence on the three vaccines authorized for use in the U . S ., vaccination rates , and employment law to develop the statement .
As expected , the multi-society statement makes the case that prior to the pandemic , rates of routine vaccinations among healthcare providers were suboptimal . The consensus statement notes that for flu vaccination , when healthcare employers instituted policies of influenza vaccination as a condition of employment , compliance rose to 94.4 percent compared to 69.6 percent in organizations without a requirement .
The chorus of voices united in support of mandatory vaccination is growing . In the weeks since SHEA and others advocated for mandatory vaccination , several other societies and associations have issued statements .
In early September , the American Nurses Association ( ANA ) released new survey data showing 4,500 surveyed nurses support COVID-19 vaccines , mandates , and boosters if recommended . Data were collected through a survey administered by the COVID Vaccine Facts for Nurses campaign sponsored by Johnson & Johnson and conducted July 8-29 , 2021 . A total of 4,912 nurses nationwide completed the survey .
The survey asserts that “ nurses stand behind the science of the COVID-19 vaccines and support mandatory vaccinations for all employees ,” according to a statement . ANA president Ernest J . Grant , PhD , RN , FAAN , was quoted in this statement as saying , “ Nursing practice is both an art and a science . Nurses are highly skilled and knowledgeable healthcare providers , scientists and researchers , so they understand the rigor and effort behind developing the COVID-19 vaccines .”
According to the ANA survey , 58 percent of the nurses who responded support mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations . Ninety percent of the surveyed nurses report being vaccinated against COVID-19 or plan to get vaccinated , and 91 percent say they are comfortable recommending COVID-19 vaccines .
Several days after the SHEA statement was issued , the American Hospital Association ( AHA ) issued its policy statement , emphasizing the same talking points that “ the best available scientific evidence ” indicates that COVID-19 vaccinations are safe ; that they are effective at reducing both the risk of becoming infected and spreading the infection to others ; and that COVID-19 has a significant risk of transmission both before the onset of symptoms and in the absence of symptoms , reminding us that “ these risks are substantially higher among unvaccinated individuals .” The statement adds , “ Among unvaccinated individuals , COVID-19 infections pose a substantial risk of severe illness and death and may lead to long-term adverse impacts to health . These risks are higher among those individuals with certain underlying health conditions , like many patients in hospitals or who are seen in hospital-based ambulatory settings .”
The AHA says it “ strongly urges the vaccination of all healthcare personnel ” to “ protect all patients , communities and personnel from the known and substantial risks of COVID-19 ,” as “ COVID-19 vaccines protect healthcare personnel when working both in healthcare facilities and in the community . They provide strong protection against workers unintentionally carrying the disease to work and spreading it to patients and peers .”
Acknowledging the existence of “ local factors and circumstances shaping whether and how these policies are implemented ,” the AHA encourages hospitals and health systems implementing mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies to heed the following considerations :
• Provide exemptions for medical reasons and accommodations consistent with federal EEOC guidelines ( a sincerely held religious belief , practice or observance )
• Follow relevant CDC infection control guidelines , OSHA requirements , and other federal and state regulations regarding use of personal protective equipment and other infection control practices for unvaccinated staff receiving an exemption or accommodation . For example , unvaccinated personnel may be required to always wear a mask even if CDC guidelines and OSHA requirements were to relax mask requirements for vaccinated personnel
• Ensure the policy is implemented in a manner consistent with local and state laws
• Follow requirements and guidelines from the FDA and CDC on which individuals are eligible and should be prioritized for vaccination
• Monitor national safety and efficacy data for all FDA authorized or approved vaccines in use
• Continue providing education about the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines to encourage staff to obtain the vaccine voluntarily
• Offer scheduling flexibility and / or time off to ensure personnel have time to obtain the vaccine and recover from its possible side effects .
The same month that other statements calling for mandatory vaccination were being issued , Ezekiel Emanuel , a bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania , organized the joint statement from more than 50 medical groups , including the Amer-
40 october 2021 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com