New research on UGPIV practices . Learn More !
DRESS FOR SUCCESS Introducing the World ’ s First Barrier and Securement Dressing
Minimize cost and eliminate secondary cleaning procedures with UltraDrape™ from Parker Laboratories . UltraDrape is cost-efficient compared to the alternative use of sterile gels and covers , while its inventive design allows an aseptic , no touch procedure .
UltraDrape … the first-of-its-kind , sterile barrier and securement dressing uniquely designed for UGPIV .
learn more about UltraDrape visit parkerlabs . com / ultradrape
ISO 13485:2016
© 2020 Parker Laboratories , Inc . UltraDrape and The sound choice in patient care are trademarks of Parker Laboratories , Inc . AD 34-15-3 REV 4