Healthcare Hygiene magazine November 2020 November 2020 | Page 15

Raising the Standard for Whole Room Disinfection

Healthcare and community-acquired infections , such as COVID-19 , are a universal concern for today ’ s healthcare facilities . While spray-and-wipe and UV-based systems eradicate many pathogens , they miss those lurking in shadowed or hard-to-reach areas . At Halosil , our dry fogging HaloMist™ disinfectant ( EPA Reg . No . 84526-6 ) eliminates pathogens on hard , non-porous surfaces , achieving the highest standard for efficacy , safety , affordability , and longevity on the market today .

It ’ s time to disinfect beyond a shadow of a doubt .

Contact Halosil at halosil . com / new-standard to get started .
Tel : + 1 302.454.8102 | Email : info @ halosil . com