Healthcare Hygiene magazine May 2023 May 2023 | Page 21

HROs emphasize the need to follow standard operating procedures
( SOPs ), written instructions that detail a step-by-step process that must be followed to ensure a routine activity is performed properly and consistently , even during times of high stress .”
used to debrief a project or event to determine what occurred and why and how to improve it . Leaders should encourage improvement and idea sharing and avoid taking a punitive approach when mistakes occur . HRO managers design common goals and create social pressures to adhere to SOPs . Every individual should understand how their performance affects the team , and leaders should perform routine readiness reviews ( RRRs ) and explain how each member ’ s role affects the mission .
When a mistake is reported or identified , is helpful for the SP leader to pause and breathe before reacting . Being a calm and approachable leader who fosters a culture of psychological safety allows employees to feel more comfortable admitting their mistakes and encourages a team-based approach where SP technicians and leaders work together to identify ways to prevent recurrence .
Systems can fail and complex systems often fail in complex ways . Therefore , process improvement action planning should be robust , viable and sustainable . Effective action planning allows team members to do the right thing , even when it is difficult , and can be facilitated by adopting technology to increase efficiency and capture process-specific data ; adding another technician to
verify low-volume , high-risk procedures ; and adding appropriate administrative and engineering controls . To make change sustainable , the reason behind the change must be explained to all employees , so its purpose is not questioned , and new processes are always followed properly .
HROs remain focused on long-term performance improvement across all stages of their work . They strive to remain resilient in their processes , even during disasters and other high-pressure events . These quality-focused organizations are also able to decrease mistakes by following SOPs , participating in AARs and increasing employee accountability in positive , non-punitive ways . The adoption of just culture and a thoughtful approach to quality and safety creates a departmental culture that is rooted in teamwork and accountability . The result is a shared understanding that all SP employees play a vital and equal role in quality service and positive patient outcomes .
Marie Brewer , CST , CRCT , CIS , CHL , CER , GTS , CLSSBB , serves as sterile processing manager at UnityPoint Health – St Luke ’ s Hospital , Cedar Rapids , Iowa .

The Key is Building the Best Strategies to Prevent Infections

IP & C Consulting can assist you with :
Developing a healthcare institution ’ s infection prevention program
Helping a business , organization , or sports team that needs a plan for preventing infections , including COVID-19
Melissa Travis , MSN , RN , CIC has 20 years of experience in infection prevention techniques , working in a variety of settings , including an acute-care hospital , large teaching academic medical center , inpatient rehabilitation hospital , public health setting , and even a sports team . Missy received a bachelors of science in nursing from University of Kentucky , a bachelors of science in nursing arts from Georgetown College , and a masters of science in nursing from Vanderbilt University . She is an RN in Tennessee and certified in infection control .
To contact IP & C Consulting , LLC : mobile : ( 615 ) 807-0428 email : missytravis @ ipandcconsulting . com website : www . ipandcconsulting . com