Healthcare Hygiene magazine May 2021 May 2021 | Page 12

Continued from Page 10
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6 . Lawrence WT . Physiology of the acute wound . Clinics in Plastic Surgery 1998 ; 25 ( 3 ): 321‐40 .
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8 . Ando M , Tamaki T , Yoshida M , Sasaki S , Toge Y , Matsumoto T , Maio K , Sakata R , Fukui D , Kanno S , Nakagawa Y , Yamada H . Surgical site infection in spinal surgery : a comparative study between 2-octyl-cyanoacrylate and staples for wound closure . Eur Spine J . 2014 Apr ; 23 ( 4 ): 854-62 . doi : 10.1007 / s00586-014-3202-5 .
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17 . Franklin S . A safer , less costly SSI prevention protocol-Universal versus targeted preoperative decolonization . Am J Infect Control . 2020 Dec ; 48 ( 12 ): 1501-1503 . doi : 10.1016 / j . ajic . 2020.02.012 .


Healthcare Hygiene magazine invites infection prevention stakeholders from all aspects of prevention and control ( including IP / healthcare epidemiology , healthcare value analysis , quality / safety / risk management , surgical services , sterile processing , environmental services , biomedical engineering and scientific research ) to submit sciencedriven , best practice-based articles for consideration for publication . Please , no public relations pitches or articles with commercial overtones . Send your queries to Kelly Pyrek at : kelly @ healthcarehygienemagazine . com

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