from the editor
from the editor
Paying Tribute to a Time-Tested Guideline
This year marks the 20 th anniversary of the CDC / HICPAC Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities ( 2003 ), the go-to document for the environment of care in healthcare settings . In this month ’ s cover story , we speak to several of the expert contributors and reviewers of this key guidance , hearing their recollections of the guideline-creation process and their recollections of what it was like to be a part of something important for decades to follow .
Even though he wasn ’ t involved in the crafting of the 2003 EIC guideline , Philip C . Carling , MD , is one of the godfathers of the modern concept of environmental hygiene and a significant champion of infection prevention and control . He shares his thoughts : “ This guideline codified good practice based on science ,” Carling says . “ It was the first time that this was achieved in a thoughtful , deep way that addressed a broad range of imperatives in terms of non-sterile environments that need to be cleaned and disinfected . I think it has served the test of time , and it continues to be revised according to current microbial threats , such as with Ebola and SARS . I think the authors of the guideline have done a fine job addressing a wide variety of concerns in healthcare , from animals in the healthcare setting , to air and water , to of course , addressing the importance of surface cleaning and disinfection .”
If you haven ’ t read this critical guideline in a while , I would encourage you to remake your acquaintance with its timeless core recommendations .
As part of our salute to the EIC guideline , in conjunction with the Environmental Services Optimization Playbook ( EvSOP ), we are launching a video series that explores how the guideline was created and tells the inside stories and memories from those who were instrumental in defining environmental hygiene for infection prevention and control . To watch a trailer for this series coming later this month , click on the icon at right .
Until next month , bust those bugs ! Kelly M . Pyrek Editor & Publisher kelly @ healthcarehygienemagazine . com healthcarehygienemagazine
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Kelly M . Pyrek kelly @ healthcarehygienemagazine . com
A . G . Hettinger , CPA Patti Valdez J . Christine Phillips
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6 june 2023 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com