Healthcare Hygiene magazine June 2022 June 2022 | Page 33

healthcare communication , the transfer of care between settings such as hospitals and skilled nursing facilities or even within hospital departments can be risky . When transferring patient care or conducting even something such as an outbreak investigation , a proper hand-off can be very helpful in ensuring continuity of care . A proper hand-off includes the following components :
● Responsibility : The person is aware of assuming responsibility
● Accountability : You are accountable until both parties are aware of the transfer
● Uncertainty : Clear up all ambiguity before the transfer is complete
● Communicate verbally
● Acknowledged : Ensure that the hand-off is understood and accepted
● Opportunity : Evaluate the situation for both safety and quality
By using a standardized tool such as a hand-off , healthcare providers can more effectively transfer the care of any patient . Another TeamSTEPPS tool that is extremely helpful is situation monitoring . Situation monitoring is the process of actively scanning behaviors and actions to assess elements of the situation or environment . It also enables team members to identify potential issues or minor deviations . The benefits of situation monitoring include fostering mutual respect and team accountability , providing a safety net for team and patient , and finally Includes cross-monitoring .
A shared mental model is an organized knowledge structure of relevant facts and relationships about a task or situation that are
Situation monitoring is the process of actively scanning behaviors and actions to assess elements of the situation or environment . It also enables team members to identify potential issues or minor deviations .
commonly held by team members . Team effectiveness will improve if team members have a shared understanding of the situation . In healthcare , if the wrong plan is developed , potentially all actions that follow are wrong , and the patient and caregiver are at risk . The use of the TeamSTEPPS model combined with a shared mental model and engaged healthcare leaders can dramatically reduce patient harm , medical errors , and improve clinical outcomes .
J . Hudson Garrett Jr ., PhD , MSN , MPH , MBA , FNP-BC , IP-BC , PLNC , CFER , AS-BC , VA-BC , BC-MSLcert™ , NCEE , NREMT , MSL-BC , DICO-C , TR-C , CPPS , CPHQ , CPXP , FACDONA , FAAPM , FNAP , FSHEA , FIDSA , is president and CEO of Community Health Associates , LLC . He also serves as an adjunct assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Louisville School of Medicine , is a fellow with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement , and has earned designation as a Fellow with both the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America and the Infectious Diseases Society of America . Garrett is a frequent lecturer globally on patient safety , infectious diseases , and medical device reprocessing and safety . He may be reached at : Hudson . garrett @ chaassociates . com

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