Healthcare Hygiene magazine June 2022 June 2022 | Page 28

sterile processing

sterile processing

By David Taylor III , MSN , RN , CNOR

Sterile Processing Department PPE : A Shared Responsibility for Infection Prevention and Safety

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) requires employers to evaluate workplace hazards and gauge the risk of employee exposure . Employers must also implement a plan to mitigate exposure to hazards , select the appropriate protective equipment and ensure workers use those items to avoid exposure . 1
Personal protective equipment ( PPE ) minimizes exposure to hazards that can cause serious workplace injuries , illnesses and death . These injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical , radiological , physical , electrical , mechanical or other workplace hazards or the spread of infection or illness . Examples of sterile processing-related PPE include but are not necessarily limited to the following :
● Scrub attire ( depending on facility policy , a cover gown / lab coat may be worn to protect scrub attire when leaving the department for another area in the same facility )
● Moisture-resistant gowns and / or aprons
● Masks , face shields and / or goggles
● Gloves ( of appropriate type , length and size for the task and individual employee )
● Shoe covers ( to be worn with sturdy , non-skid shoes ; to prevent contamination , it is wise to have shoes dedicated to the work area and not worn outside )
● Disposable , bouffant-type head covering to cover all head hair , minus eyelashes and eyebrows . Note : Skulltypes caps are not recommended because they may not cover all head hair . Facial hair should be fully covered with an appropriate beard cover .
Healthcare organizations are responsible for providing the appropriate types of PPE as well as adequate supply levels and sizes for employee use . Since the COVID-19 pandemic , ensuring adequate supplies has been challenging due to supply chain
shortages and increased supply demands ; however , healthcare organizations must work diligently and proactively to help ensure they are doing everything possible to provide employees with the PPE needed to stay safe in the workplace . On April 1 , 2021 , a California law took effect requiring that hospitals maintain a three-month supply of PPE and create and maintain a three-month stockpile of N95 respirators , gowns and other PPE . 2
While it is vital that healthcare organizations are held accountable for protecting their employees , employees also share in the responsibility of proper , consistent PPE use .
Donning and doffing steps
Careful donning and doffing of PPE in the correct sequence is essential for preventing contamination and exposure . Note : For a downloadable / printable reference on proper PPE use , including donning and doffing diagrams , visit : www . cdc . gov / hai / pdfs / ppe / ppesequence . pdf .
These photos demonstrate improper treatment and storage of PPE . The black gloves used to remove hot racks from steam autoclaves were designed for home use and are inappropriate for the SPD and other healthcare departments ( note the gloves ’ material and exposed batting , which could find its way into an instrument tray and lead to a patient safety risk ).
28 june 2022 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com