Healthcare Hygiene magazine June 2022 June 2022 | Page 26

SPD members undergo training . Courtesy of Mary Olivera

The Importance of Sterile Processing Department Training and Development

By Mary Olivera , MHA , CRCST , CHL , FCS
today ’ s rapidly evolving sterile processing department ( SPD ),

In managers can quickly become overwhelmed by daily tasks and ongoing issues relating to surgical instruments . It may seem like Groundhog Day when the same problems — such as instrument errors , unprocessed trays , and hopes on wrappers — repeat with no end in sight . In this setting , managers often must prioritize solving issues quickly rather than focusing on long-term solutions . There is simply no time for managers to look at the root causes of persistent SPD problems .

The SPD has evolved into a department with complex systems , processes , and equipment , yet it seems like the department ’ s most valuable asset has been left behind : its people . I often reminisce about my first job as a central service technician . I was fortunate to have a manager who took me under her wing and mentored me in all aspects of sterile processing . As a new technician , I was inquisitive about the variety of tasks my manager performed , and I wanted to learn more . I was also very committed to the organization . My manager , in turn , recognized my desire to learn and chose to invest her time in teaching me to be my best .
As SPD has evolved , the workforce which comes through our doors has also evolved . According to the LinkedIn 2022 Workplace Learning Report , Millennials and Gen Z workers cite learning and growing as a top priority in their jobs . Without the opportunity to learn and develop in their jobs , workers are
The SPD has evolved into a department with complex systems , processes , and equipment , yet it seems like the department ’ s most valuable asset has been left behind : its people .”
more likely to leave . In addition , workers who have already developed their skills and seek career growth are more likely to look for another job if their skills are not being used . These findings align with a frequent SPD complaint that we keep training technicians only to lose them to the hospital next door . Have you ever thought about what the hospital next door offers the techs ? What can the SPD offer technicians to retain them for a more extended period ?
There are significant benefits to implementing a training and development program for any organization . According to the Association for Talent Development ( ATD ) study , companies that offer comprehensive training programs have 218 percent higher income ( profits ) per employee than companies without formalized training . Healthcare has fallen behind in adopting this approach because it requires a financial investment . Most SPDs do not have an educational budget or a dedicated educator in their departments . Often , it is a manager ’ s responsibility to provide training and development for the team . In many cases , new employee orientation is an unstructured two-week crash course assigning the new technician to another employee . A basic sterile processing
training program for a new employee can take six to nine months , depending on the complexity of the instrumentation owned by the organization . Still , a technician can take up to a year to become skillful . Training should not be rushed , and it must include surgical instrument inspections and quality audits of the process . Considering these factors and the average pay for an SPD technician , replacing one technician can cost the organization more than $ 60,000 ( the average pay for every trainee per year is approximately $ 44,000 , plus an additional $ 22,000 for the preceptors ). The cost of replacing more than one technician and utilizing contract technicians can rapidly increase the yearly expense for the department .
Implement a mentorship program where experienced individuals from the operating room ( OR ) help guide new technicians and serve as role models . The relationship with that mentor can provide the technician motivation , guidance , and
26 june 2022 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com