Healthcare Hygiene magazine June 2022 June 2022 | Page 19

we have different needs ? We need to examine the structure of our programs because It ’ s not the same everywhere . In some settings you ’ re going to need varying levels of IT support , clerical support , surveillance , etc . There is a variety of needs to have a successful program and so we want to have that information published so that when we reach out to healthcare leadership , we have benchmarking across organizations . APIC is going to be looking at that , and I think those efforts will help those who are in leadership positions further advocate for infection prevention . When you ’ re working without good , solid information , you can advocate more effectively .”
As APIC reaches its 50 th anniversary this year , the nation is emerging from the grips of a global pandemic , and as the new normal is crafted , infection preventionists are grappling with the path forward , both personally and professionally , as well as on a national and institutional level .
“ We are always going to have to advocate for infection prevention within whatever setting we ’ re practicing because there are always competing interests ,” Dickey says . “ Having said that , I think that even before COVID , but certainly COVID has helped elevate the profile of the need for strong infection prevention resources . It ’ s taken us 50 years to get where we are in acute care , and you know long-term
care is nowhere close , and we saw the unfortunate effects of that during the pandemic . People now realize there is a whole level of structure needed and which is currently missing to support long-term care safety , and it ’ s not just for the residents , but also for the workers .”
“ It ’ s a double-edged sword because I think that although we had tremendous successes , and address incredibly diverse issues , what we don ’ t know is the consequences of the pandemic and the impact on our IP & C departments ,” says Garcia . “ The pandemic has had a tremendous impact on healthcare institutions , and it is yet to be seen how that could limit program expansion , curtail resources , limit staffing or other significant impacts .”
Garcia continues , “ Another concern is that so many healthcare workers have left the profession and we are just now coming to terms with whether they will be replaced . So many veteran healthcare personnel have left and taken with them their knowledge of infection prevention . So , dealing with new workers is difficult because of the need to teach them the right way to do things , which can take some time . So , what that impact is going to be remains to be seen .”
What is certain is the exodus among healthcare professionals has exacerbated the stress levels and
People now realize there is a whole level of structure needed and which is currently missing to support longterm care safety , and it ’ s not just for the residents , but also for the workers .”

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