Healthcare Hygiene magazine July 2023 | Page 28

hand hygiene

hand hygiene

By Robert P . Lee

Moving Hand Hygiene- Product Dispensers Closer to the Point-of-Care

Figure 1 : Simulated Simulated New Dispenser New Dispenser Footprint for Single Single Patient Patient Room Room
Patient Zone
Gel Station
As we continue to work with our clients , the most common reasons noted regarding the challenge of lower-than-expected hand hygiene compliance rates are hand sanitizing dispensers not being available , lacking easy access , being empty , being non-functional , and not dispensing the correct amount of sanitizer . This is a universal problem that needs to be understood and addressed .
The first two dispenser-related challenges noted above question the logistics and placement of sanitizer dispensers . In terms of these issues , there is one question to consider : Is your sanitizing dispenser footprint designed on entry / exit or the World Health Organization ( WHO ) Five Moments protocol ? Some programs are employing the Five Moments protocol , but their dispenser footprint is entry / exit , where dispensers are set at the doorway and the sink area .
A WHO 5 Moments dispenser workflow design would place dispensers at the sites indicated in blue in Figure 1 . Moving the dispensers closer to the point of care ( POC ) makes it easier for staff to sanitize hands and eliminate unnecessary steps , as 70 percent of all hand hygiene opportunities occur inside the patient room , studies have found . Consider asking your vendor to add additional dispenser sites , as these dispensers are no-charge items .
The third , fourth and fifth dispenser-related challenges mentioned earlier are a consequence of inadequate maintenance and servicing of your dispenser platform . If this is an issue , an important consideration
is your method of maintaining your dispenser ’ s function and solution supply . One approach is manual , where hospital staff ( typically environmental services personnel ) check each unit or , in some units , the unit team leader checks prior to shift change or the charge nurse is responsible for validating the sanitizer platform .
Can technology play a role ? Many hospitals are beginning to employ technology to help measure hand hygiene compliance . A byproduct of this technology is the assessment and maintenance of “ smart ” hand hygiene dispensers . Each dispenser records the number of times that it is activated and alerts staff when a solution refill is necessary . It also identifies dispensers that are inoperative and require attention and potentially repair . Considering the critical importance of dispenser function for effective , compliant hand hygiene , technology may be a viable solution to compliance and maintenance issues .
It ’ s all about the data . What kind of good data and insight can be gained ? What do analytics tell us ?
Firstly , you must measure the right thing . If your footprint is set up around entry / exit , that is what you are measuring . So , what happens once you enter the
patient room ? If you set your footprint to measure the WHO 5 Moments , then your metrics and analytics will provide you with more granular data and a more exact measurement of your hand hygiene compliance , patient room health , and your sanitizing-station readiness .
Remember , data is the new currency in the marketplace ; as W . Edwards Deming has said , “ You can ’ t manage what you can ’ t measure .”
So , in this article we have addressed some ideas that will not only enhance your current hand hygiene compliance , the acceptance of your efforts to improve performance , your dispenser service and maintenance , but also to help you to convert from entry / exit to the WHO 5 Moments methodology .
Robert Lee , BA , the CEO and founder of MD-Medical Data Quality & Safety Advisors , LLC , is the senior biologist and performance improvement consultant . MD-MDQSA is the home of The IPEX - The Infection Prevention Exchange , a digital collaboration between selected evidence-based solutions that use big data , technology , and AI to reduce risk of HAIs .
28 july 2023 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com