Healthcare Hygiene magazine February 2023 February 2023 | Page 21

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic , it seems imperative to adjust our professional focus towards infection prevention and control practices , and particularly on the factors which may cause nurses to miss or ration this care . By addressing these factors we can support nurses to ensure their infection prevention and control practices are up-to-date and appropriate for the times we live in .” importance of self-protection , particularly in the context of a global pandemic must be emphasized .”
McCauley , et al . ( 2021 ) say the evidence points to several solutions to non-compliance and missed care in infection prevention and control , including nurse education and changing nursing attitudes and beliefs on infection prevention and control practices . Additionally , improving positive leadership by management as well as leadership of senior staff is pivotal to improving overall nursing unit cultures on compliance with infection prevention and control guidelines . The researchers also found from their review that “ improving nursing resources such as time , staffing and skill mix , and infection prevention and control resources such as PPE and disposal facilities could also reduce missed care and improve compliance in infection prevention and control . Finally , outdated or inappropriate ward layouts , technological infrastructure and infection prevention and control management systems must also be addressed in order to improve infection prevention and control practices and reduce missed care in this area . The work environment , including the physical environment , are known to influence missed nursing care generally , and now also the more focused area of missed infection control practice .”
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