Healthcare Hygiene magazine February 2021 February 2021 | Page 11

The current day hospital quality departments are typically wellresourced and wellpositioned , often reporting directly to the
C-suite .
This department is typically now well-resourced and positioned , often reporting directly to the C-suite . 11
The departments of quality , patient safety and IP & C all support the overarching goal of optimizing patient outcomes in healthcare . Quality and patient safety use social theories to address improvement in a broad range of areas such as physician competence , medication administration , patient falls and pressure ulcer prevention . Infection prevention is a clinical science-based profession which stands parallel but equal to these non-clinical departments . Organizational charts should reflect ( at a minimum ) equivalence in authority for the three departments to ensure optimally expeditious interventions for reduction of patient morbidity and mortality associated with HAIs .
1 . Johns Hopkins Medicine Armstrong Institute : https :// www . hopkinsmedicine . org / armstrong _ institute /_ files / patient % 20 safety % 20and % 20quality % 20improvement % 20project % 20 tools / spirit _ toolkit / the _ differences _ and _ similarities _ between _ patient _ safety _ quality _ improvement . pdf accessed January 14 , 2021 .
2 . World Health Organization : https :// www . who . int / gpsc / ipc / en / accessed January 14 , 2021 .
3 . Marjoua Y , Bozic KJ . Brief history of quality movement in U . S . healthcare . Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med . 2012 ; 5 ( 4 ): 265-273 . doi : 10.1007 / s12178-012-9137-8 .
4 . Hanchett M . The Infection Control Nurse : Approaching the End of an Era . Infection Control Today . Aug . 31 , 2015 . https :// www . infectioncontroltoday . com / view / infection-control-nurseapproaching-end-era
5 . Hughes JM . Study on the efficacy of nosocomial infection control ( SENIC Project ): results and implications for the future . Chemotherapy . 1988 ; 34 ( 6 ): 553-61 . doi : 10.1159 / 000238624 . PMID : 3243099 .
6 . Barnes S , Spencer M . Reliable Design of IP Programs . Infection Control Today . Sept . 11 , 2015 .
7 . Cox JL , Simpson MD . Microbiology Education and Infection Control Competency : Offering a New Perspective . J Microbiol Biol Educ . 2018 ; 19 ( 2 ): 19.2.71 . June 29 , 2018 . doi : 10.1128 / jmbe . v19i2.1475 .
8 . Luce JM , Bindman AB , Lee PR . A brief history of health care quality assessment and improvement in the United States . West J Med . 1994 Mar ; 160 ( 3 ): 263-8 . PMID : 8191769 ; PMCID : PMC1022402 .
9 . Salary . com https :// www . salary . com / research / job-description / benchmark / quality-management-director-healthcarejob-description #:~: text = Being % 20a % 20Quality % 20 Management % 20Director , Typically % 20reports % 20to % 20 top % 20management .
10 . Lark ME , Kirkpatrick K , Chung KC . Patient Safety Movement : History and Future Directions . J Hand Surg Am . 2018 ; 43 ( 2 ): 174- 178 . doi : 10.1016 / j . jhsa . 2017.11.006
11 . Institute for Healthcare Improvement : http :// www . ihi . org / resources / Pages / Changes / DesignateaPatientSafetyOfficer . aspx

Announcing the Infection Prevention in Vascular Access Webinar Series

This webinar series — brought to you by Healthcare Hygiene magazine — examines imperatives related to vascular access within an infection prevention context and offers 3 contact hours of continuing education for nurses .
( Keystone Media Inc ./ Healthcare Hygiene magazine - CEP 17500 - is an approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nurses ).
“ Improving the Quality and Patient Safety of Peripheral Intravenous Catheter ( PIVC ) Insertions Using Evidence- Based Data ” presented by Lee Steere , RN , CRNI , VA-BC
“ Patient Safety and Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral IV Placement : The Need for Standardized Practices ” presented by Nancy Moureau , RN , PhD , CRNI , CPUI , VA-BC
“ Advances in Vascular Access Technologies : Potential Benefits and Necessary Precautions to Ensure Patient Safety ” presented by Jim Davis , MSN , RN , CCRN-K , CIC , HEM , FAPIC , and Dan Merton , BS , RDMS , FAIUM , FSDMS
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