Healthcare Hygiene magazine December 2023 December 2023 | Page 30

Other practical and novel conservation strategies
� Rainwater from roofs or parking garage top floors can be reused for landscaping as well if it can be collected into a storage tank .
� Smart irrigation systems use sensors , weather data , and soil moisture information to optimize irrigation schedules and flow amounts . Low-flow faucets , toilets , and showerheads use less water without sacrificing performance .
� Smart meters and sensors can identify leaks in water distribution systems , helping to reduce water losses .
� Public awareness and education campaigns in the healthcare facility can promote water-saving behaviors and encourage individuals and communities to adopt water-efficient practices .
� Conduct regular water audits to identify areas where water is being wasted by using zone water meters .
� Even small leaks can waste significant amounts of water over time . Fix all leaks promptly .
� Consider installing water-saving technologies such as sensor-operated faucets , dual-flush toilets , and waterless urinals to reduce water usage .
� Establish specific water reduction goals for your facility and track progress regularly .
� Reward suggestions to employees who have innovative ideas to conserve water usage .
� Continuously monitor and assess your water conservation efforts .
� Regularly update your water conservation plan to incorporate new technologies and best practices .
Water quality , safety and conservation can be achieved if we all work together .
David W . Koenig , PhD , is chief technology officer of DKMicrobios as well as a board member of the Environmental Services Optimization Project ( EvSOP ). He may be reached at dkmicrobios @ gmail . com or ( 920 ) 527-8243 .
Richard Dixon is the co-founder and board member of the Coalition for Community & Healthcare Acquired Infection Reduction ( CHAIR ). He may be reached at DixonConsulting @ gmail . com or ( 772 ) 269-6491 .
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30 december 2023 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com