Healthcare Hygiene magazine December 2023 December 2023 | Page 23

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted that strict implementation of impractical guidelines may yield unintended risks to healthcare workers , patients , and healthcare quality . It also demonstrated that providing clear and unambiguous recommendations helps facilitate implementation and adherence .”
been having meetings with groups and organizations that have reached out with concerns and want to provide some additional input . We can ’ t predict where that might lead or what kind of changes those meetings might lead to in the guidance , but we look forward to reviewing all comments .”
Despite the concern triggered by the erroneous perception of relaxing PPE requirements , Babcock says the revised guideline “ will be a much more streamlined document , providing easier access to the recommendations ,” Babcock says . “ And as we start to work our way through Appendix A and the individual organisms and specific infections , we will be able to update them in real time as we go along , which is a nice change from the prior way that these documents came out , which was essentially 10 years of silence and then boom , we dropped a book on people . In this way we can work through the recommendations in real time and update the guidance in a timelier manner .”
References :
Bell M and Kallen A . November HICPAC Public Meeting recap . Safe Healthcare Blog : Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ). Nov . 3 , 2023 . Accessible at : https :// blogs . cdc . gov / safehealthcare / november-hicpac-public-meeting-recap /
Bell M and Kallen A . HICPAC invites your comments on revised isolation precautions guideline this fall . Safe Healthcare Blog : Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ). Aug . 15 , 2023 . Accessible at : https :// blogs . cdc . gov / safehealthcare / hicpac-invites-your-comments /
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / HICPAC . Nov . 2-3 , 2023 Meeting . https :// www . cdc . gov / hicpac / meeting-presentations . html
Shenoy ES , Babcock HM , et al . Universal Masking in Health Care Settings : A Pandemic Strategy Whose Time Has Come and Gone , For Now . 2023 Jun ; 176 ( 6 ): 859-861 . doi : 10.7326 / M23-0793 . Epub 2023 Apr 18 . https :// doi . org / 10.7326 / M23-0793
Soares-Weiser K . Statement on ‘ Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses ’ review . Accessible at : https :// www . cochrane . org / news / statement-physical-interventions-interrupt-or-reduce-spread-respiratory-viruses-review
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