Healthcare Hygiene magazine December 2023 December 2023 | Page 10

infection prevention

infection prevention

By Jill Holdsworth , MS , CIC , FAPIC , NREMT , CRCST , and Rich Capparell

Infection Prevention and Advocacy : A Conversation About Appropriations and Policies to Enhance the Profession and Advance Patient Safety

APIC has been focused on preserving funding for key infection prevention and control programs , such as the National
Healthcare Safety Network ( NHSN ) and the
Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance
Initiative ( ARSI ).
Additionally , we are working with coalition partners to incentivize individuals to enter the infectious disease fields through the Bio-
Preparedness Workforce Pilot
Program .” — Rich Capparell
Jill Holdsworth , MS , CIC , FAPIC , NREMT , CRCST , manager of infection prevention at Emory University Hospital Midtown , and Rich Capparell , director of legislative affairs for the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology ( APIC ), discuss the importance of infection preventionists ( IPs ) advocating for their profession on Capitol Hill .
Jill Holdsworth : When we talk about advocacy for infection prevention , I don ’ t think many IPs know what that means or what the hot topics are . Can you give us a taste of what is most important right now ?
Rich Capparell : Currently , Congress is struggling to come to an agreement on FY 2024 funding . The House of Representatives and Senate are very far apart , as House measures are looking to make heavy cuts to non-defense spending . APIC has been focused on preserving funding for key infection prevention and control programs , such as the National Healthcare Safety Network ( NHSN ) and the Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Initiative ( ARSI ). Additionally , we are working with coalition partners to incentivize individuals to enter the infectious disease fields through the Bio-Preparedness Workforce Pilot Program . Although appropriations are important , APIC is also educating lawmakers about policies that will make patients safer . As we know , there are millions of healthcare-associated infections ( HAIs ) in nursing homes each year and government reports continue to highlight the need for stronger infection prevention and control programs . To see better outcomes , APIC is pushing Congress to require full-time infection preventionists in nursing homes and for these facilities to provide greater HAI data transparency . Finally , APIC is working with a wide array of partners to help support the antibiotic pipeline . To do this we are supporting the PASTEUR Act , which would establish a subscription-style program to provide federal contracts for a reliable supply of critically needed novel antimicrobials and not rely on the volume of sales like most other drugs on the market .
RC : You recently participated in the APIC Board of Directors Lobby Day . Can you share your experiences with Congressional staff ( in-person versus virtual )?
JH : Last year , the APIC board of directors met virtually with the congressional staff , which was my first experience with APIC doing this type of work . It gave me the chance to educate myself more on topics most important to infection prevention on a higher level and being able to speak to it and really feel like I was making a difference for all of us and our patients by telling our congressional offices about these items . This fall , we were able to visit the offices in person , which gave us the chance to have a more in-depth conversation about the topics that was really engaging with the staff members . Each APIC board member had an APIC staff member with them and we presented the topics of interest , answered questions and had also done our homework on who we were meeting with , so we also knew what was important to them . This experience was incredible for me personally , allowing me to continue advocating for what is important in our profession , but also what our patients need most .
JH : I know most IPs are going to think they don ’ t have time for advocacy with everything else we have on our plates . What are some of the things , big and small in terms of time commitment , that IPs can do to make an impact ?
RC : There are many ways for APIC members to get involved and choose their level of engagement ! The easiest way to stay engaged is via the APIC Action eList . This simple action can educate members on key activities and ways they can get involved in the future . For members interested in contacting legislators that aren ’ t sure what to say , I recommend the APIC Action Center . This resource has pre-written messages on key issues , that take less than a minute to send . Members looking to get more involved can volunteer to be their chapter ’ s legislative representatives or they can work with staff to start scheduling a virtual meeting with policymakers . Advocacy at any level helps get our message out , so we appreciate all levels of engagement !
RC : As follow-up to your question , what issue did you find most rewarding to talk about ?
JH : I have to say I was surprised that it was easiest for me and most engaging to speak to the nursing home staffing ratios , even though that isn ’ t the setting I work in . This is something we should all be advocating for , as it does impact us all ! I was able
10 december 2023 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com