Healthcare Hygiene magazine April 2023 April 2023 | Page 12

In 2021 , FDA similarly recommended that facilities consider the use of single-use bronchoscopes “ in situations where there is increased risk of spreading infection .” They further recommended that facilities consider routine sterilization of reusable bronchoscopes when feasible to increase the margin of safety , as compared to high-level disinfection .
Facilities looking to transition to sterilizing endoscopes will need to :
● Verify that validated sterilization methods exist for current endoscope inventory , or transition to models that support sterilization
● Ensure that proper sterilization equipment that conforms to endoscope IFUs is available
● Consider any time , space , or cost challenges associated with moving from a high-level disinfection workflow to a sterilization workflow
Endoscope reprocessing is mission-critical , labor-intensive , meticulous , and often time-sensitive work . Staff may not have access to all the resources they require . Despite when reprocessing guidelines are carefully followed , cross-contamination continues to occur . Reprocessing recommendations and technology continue to evolve . Infection preventionists , clinicians and healthcare facilities need to make informed decisions about the latest developments to keep progressing toward our joint goal of preventing pathogen transmission from patient to patient .
Infection preventionists , clinicians , and healthcare facilities need to make informed decisions about the latest developments to keep progressing toward our joint goal of preventing pathogen transmission from patient-to-patient .”
Margaret Miller , BS , MT ( ASCP ) M , CIC , FAPIC , is an infection preventionist at ECRI .
Mairead Smith is principal project engineer I at ECRI . Amanda Sivek , PhD , is principal project engineer I at ECRI .
References :
1 . Healthcare worker views : duodenoscope reprocessing workflow and ergonomics . Device Evaluation 2021 Jun 9 .
2 . Sivek AD , Davis J , Tremoulet P , Smith M , Lavanchy C , Sparnon E , Kommala D . Healthcare worker feedback on duodenoscope reprocessing workflow and ergonomics . Am J Infect Control . 2022 Jan 30 : S0196-6553 ( 22 ) 00055-4 . Doi : 10.1016 / j . ajic . 2022.01.012 . Epub ahead of print . PMID : 35108583 .
3 . Poor Duodenoscope Reprocessing Ergonomics and Workflows Put Healthcare Workers and Patients at Risk : Hazard # 8 — 2022 Top 10 Health Technology Hazards . Device Evaluation 2022 Jan 12 . For members : Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2022 : Solutions Kit ( ecri . org )
4 . Executive brief available at : Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2022 Executive Brief ( ecri . org )