Overall , this not only improved the care of the scopes but resulted in decreased time SPD had in cleaning the dried-out scopes and gained more time on value added work .
BS : What was the process for net new supply requests ?
GG : Designing a brand-new space to meet many current needs while assuring new practices would be accommodated for upgraded or new equipment were built into the construction planning process . This required new indicators , control materials , wraps , tray liners , etc . to accommodate the newer technology and space considerations but how to request these new products to assure availability was the next learning opportunity . The OR value analysis team has representatives from the service lines within the OR which includes SPD . Through a collaboration with the equipment and standards value analysis committee which is the over-arching value analysis process for the other care delivery areas , a clinical value analyst representative attends the OR team meetings and conversely , the OR VA chair attends the E & S VA meetings . This is primarily done for patient safety risk mitigation so all clinical areas who may care for post-surgical patients admitted to their nursing unit know how to care for devices and equipment that accompany the patient as well as common nursing products the OR might also stock . The OR VA team enters new supply requests including SPD into the value analysis technology platform but in the case of the new construction the process was best coordinated by SPD to assure timeliness and practice accuracy . Additionally , some of the SPD leadership was new to their roles so value analysis conducted training and helped SPD in completing the new item request form .
BS : Most of these later activities occurred during the COVID pandemic , what affect did this have on the SPD move ?
GG : One thing in our favor was working with most of our current SPD suppliers since most of the equipment were upgrades of current equipment . We each knew each other ’ s purchasing processes , delivery schedules and representatives . The thing not in our favor were the continued supply chain disruptions for delivery of the new equipment and required different supplies . Value analysis coordination to review appropriate options , check on status of delivery and work through issues occurred when the need arose and continues today .
BS : What one key factor sticks out in your mind that has changed the way value analysis works within your organization ?
GG : What we have experienced during the past two years and how we all pitched in to assure patients had the best care and our staff was safe has brought about a new appreciation for all we do . We learned it ’ s more than the cost of a product that counted but how to convert to substitute products without being wasteful , to exhaust stock of current products when safety is not compromised , and to know how hard it is to find and get supplies . The staff has been tremendous in stepping up in times of crisis with supply disruptions demonstrating our passion of pursing our potential together working as one Cincinnati Children ’ s . Our experience is not isolated to our organization but has been acknowledged by colleagues around the country – I like to call it “ flexible understanding .”
OSPECS Consulting , LLC works with clients to define the right strategies , build the right team , and turn these strategies into realities .
Designing a plan suitable for our clients ’ needs , we streamline their processes , enhance staff competencies and identify savings opportunities .
What We Offer
• HLD & Sterilization Assessment and Accreditation Readiness
• Flexible Endoscope Reprocessor Comprehensive Assessment and Training
• Technical Review of Facility Conditions ( steam , water & equipment )
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