Rigid Scope Cleaner Test
The LumCheck™ is designed as an
independent check on the cleaning
performance of pulse-flow lumen
washers. Embedded on the
stainless steel plate is a specially
formulated blood soil which
includes the toughest components
of blood to clean.
Endoscope Channel Test
The EndoCheck™ is a miniature
chemistry kit that is simple to use
and interpret. Simply swab the
biopsy channel of the scope with
the included so�-�pped long
probe, clip off the swab into the
vial. Mix the ac�va�ng agent, shake
vigorously, wait and then check for
a color change. Depending on the
type of test used, a color change
indicates that blood residue or
protein residue remains in the
Blood & Protein Swab Tests
Take the guess work out of
evalua�ng the cleanliness of
instruments with the HemoCheck™
blood residue test kit and the
Prochek-II protein swab test.
HemoCheck™ is simple to interpret
and indicates blood residue down
to 0.1μg. The ProChek-II™
measures for residual protein on
surfaces down to 0.1μg.