Health, Wellness and Fitness for People & Pets JUNE 2015 | Page 62

July 23-24 – Orlando, Fla.: Allie Phillips will present at the Florida Krimes Against Kids Conference on “When Animal Abuse Co-occurs with Family Violence: Strategies & Policies for Keeping FamiliesSafe” and co-present with Danielle Hughes of the Sarasota Child Protection Center on “Therapy Animals Supporting Children: Policy, Practice & Cases Supporting Your New Comfort Team Member.” July 24 – Oklahoma City, Okla.: Paul Needham and Jeanene Lindsey will present on “Animal Abuse, Elder Abuse and Hoarding: Challenges and Strategies for Adult Protective Services” at the 25th Annual Summer Geriatric Institute. Aug. 20 – (Online): Belinda Lewis and Matt Lewis will discuss “Animal Cruelty Crime Scene Forensic Photography” in a webinar series presented by the National District Attorneys Association’s National Center for Prosecution of Animal Abuse. Aug. 25 – Nashville, Tenn.: Paul Needham will present on “The Link between Animal Abuse and Other Forms of Family Violence” at the American Association of Service Coordinators conference. Sept. 14 – Albuquerque, N. M.: “Positive Links” -- the New Mexico Conference on The Link between Animal Abuse and Human Violence – will hold an all-day conference. Sept. 22 – Fort Wayne, Ind.: Phil Arkow will conduct a Link training on behalf of Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control. Sept. 24 – Kitchener, Ont., Canada: Maya Gupta will speak on “Examining the Cruelty Link between Humans and Animals and Finding Solutions for Effective Intervention” at the HAV (Human-Animal Vulnerability) Coalition of Kitchener-Waterloo Region’s 2nd Link Conference. Sept. 26 – Blacksburg, Va.: Phil Arkow will discuss animal abuse as the “dark side” of the human-animal bond at the CENTAUR Human-Animal Bond Symposium. Oct. 1 – Baltimore, Md.: Randy Lockwood and Sharon Miller will present on building community responses to animal cruelty at the National Animal Care & Control Association conference. Oct. 15 – Charlottesville, Va.: Randy Lockwood and Sharon Miller will present on building community responses to animal cruelty at the Virginia Animal Control Association annual conference. Nov. 4-5 – Knoxville, Tenn.: A post-conference workshop on The Link between Human and Animal Violence will be held following the Veterinary Social Work/Veterinary Health and Wellness Summits at the University of Tennessee. Speakers will include Maya Gupta discussing “Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adults Who Have Engaged In or Witnessed Animal Abuse” and Jenny Edwards speaking on “Bestiality: The Best Kept Secret in America.” Nov. 16 – Phoenix, Md.: The Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office Animal Abuse Unit will hold an Animal Abuse Leadership Summit. To subscribe to The Link-Letter (it’s free!) – Just send an e-mail to Coordinator Phil Arkow ([email protected]) and tell us what organization(s) you’re with and where you’re located. 15