Health, Wellness and Fitness for People & Pets JUNE 2015 | Page 6

Slim Secret #3: "I Will Eat Before and After Exercise"

Eat a snack containing carbohydrates and protein 30 minutes or so before your workout and one of your protein-rich meals immediately after. Your body breaks down muscle during and after exercise to use as fuel, and it rebuilds muscle using calories that you've consumed. The longer you wait after exercise to eat, the more your body will break down its own muscle and the less it will build new muscle.

Eating before a workout speeds muscle growth, according to Dutch and British researchers. In one study, subjects who ate a protein- and carbohydrate-rich snack right before and right after their workouts fueled their muscles twice as effectively as those who waited at least 5 hours to eat. By feeding your body with protein and carbohydrates within an hour or two of exercise, you provide your muscles with enough energy to build strength and burn fat more effectively.

Research also shows that eating before and after a workout inhibits the storage of fat, inhibit muscle breakdown, reduce inflammation, and recover more quickly.


Discover the simple secrets to shrink your belly, build lean muscle, and never be hungry again

The Battle of the Bulge

Inside your body, at this very moment, there's a war going on: a battle between the cells that make up muscle and those that make up fat.

You know which side you're rooting for. But here's the problem: In this war, Fat will always have an unfair advantage. The only way Muscle can win is with your help. We will show you how to win that battle. It will help you build muscle and burn away fat while eating the very best food on the planet and never, ever feeling hungry. It will make you stronger, sexier, leaner, and healthier than you've ever been before. And it will start to take effect, well, pretty much from your very first bite.