Health, Wellness and Fitness for People & Pets JUNE 2015 | Page 55

THE LINK AND… CRIMINAL JUSTICE Denmark, Spain Ban Bestiality Fearing that existing laws were encouraging sex tourists to come to their country to engage in intercourse with animals, Denmark enacted legislation on April 21 that banned bestiality. Those voting for the bill said Denmark did not want to be the last northern Europe country where bestiality was legal: Germany, Norway, Sweden and Great Britain had earlier banned it, Reuters reported. Prev iously, sex with animals was illegal but only if it could be demonstrated that the act harmed the animal, a standard that was difficult to prove. “We must give the animal the benefit of the doubt,” wrote Farm Minister Dan Jorgensen. A Justice Ministry survey in 2011 reported that 17% of veterinarians had suspected that an animal they treated had had intercourse with a person. Animal welfare advocates claimed Denmark was home to organized animal sex shows, clubs and brothels. Meanwhile, the Spanish Parliament has approved an amendment that criminalizes the “sexual exploitation of animals.” With rapid enactment and relatively little publicity, the new measure was published in the official state bulletin of penal codes on March 30. The amendments provide for penalties ranging from 91 days to one year in prison and covers domesticated animals. Penalties are enhanced for actions committed in the presence of a minor. The Association of Parliamentarians for the Defense of Animals (APPDA) was vital to the passage of the amendment. APPDA tells The LINK-Letter that the UN’s Committee on the Rights of the Child has called on the governments of Portugal and Colombia to take measures to prevent children’s exposure to bullfights under the category of “freedom from all forms of violence.” The Committee is also reviewing Mexico’s compliance with the Convention of the Rights of the Child. NEWS from LOCAL LINK COALITIONS Central California Link Coalition Organizing RedRover’s Esperanza Zúñiga (left), and the National Link Coalition’s Phil Arkow (right) were the featured speakers at an all-day workshop and facilitation on April 30 in Fresno, Calif. Twenty-three area professionals and volunteers, representing the District Attorney’s office, SPCA, animal services, CASA, law enforcement, and environmental health convened in the Clovis Fire Department’s training center to learn more about The Link and to initiate interdisciplinary cross-communication programs. The effort is being spearheaded by the Central California Animal Disaster Team. 8