Health, Wellness and Fitness for People & Pets JUNE 2015 | 页面 49

Wisconsin PPO Bill Advances Wisconsin’s bill that would allow courts to include animals in domestic violence protection-from-abuse orders came up for a critical vote in the state Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety on April 28 – and passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. A team of dedicated supporters testifying in Madison presented heartfelt victims’ stories and convincing statistics as to why Wisconsin should become the 29th state to protect the pets of domestic violence survivors. Robbyn Bowman gives compelling testimony at the public hearing Those who testified in support of SB 97 included Megan Senatori of Sheltering Animals of Abuse Victims (SAAV); Shannon Barry of Domestic Abuse Intervention Services; Wisconsin State Rep. Terese Berceau (a sponsor of companion bill AB 141); Tony Gibart of End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin; Jeni Haddad of the Family Support Center in Chippewa Falls; Crystal Hester at NASW-Wisconsin; Anne Reed of the Wisconsin Humane Society; and domestic violence survivor and advocate Robbyn Bowman. Bowman’s testimony was especially compelling as she shared her story about the death of her beloved dog Lambeau at the hands of her now ex-husband. No one at the hearing spoke in opposition. Non-testifying supporters of the measure include State Rep. Andre Jacque (who introduced companion bill AB 141), Wisconsin Voters for Companion Animals, the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault, and the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Assn. In a released statement, Sen. Tim Carpenter said: “I’m grateful that so many people took the time to come testify about the need for this bill, and how it will help victims of abuse and their pets. The personal stories that victims shared with the committee were compelling and point to the need for giving a judge explicit authority in these matters. I was genuinely moved that one victim drove over 5 hours from Northern Wisconsin to be able to testify.” The bill then went before the full Senate where it was passed on May 6 by a voice vote. The bill now moves to the Assembly. Wisconsin Voters for Companion Animals is optimistic that the measure will eventually be enacted. Maryland DV Leaders Establishing Pet Protocols The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV) is organizin g an Animal Working Group to develop a Maryland-specific protocol for domestic violence service providers. Citing statistics regarding the great number of domestic violence survivors who report they were unable to escape or whose pets were injured or killed, MNADV is seeking a core group of dedicated service providers to develop a statewide protocol addressing care for the animal victims of domestic violence. Joining the Animal Working Group would involve monthly one-hour meetings or conference calls, review of materials, and development of language for the protocol. Project Manager Amber Guthrie says the benefits of participation will include recognition of your organization and “being part of a progressive, statewide movement to ensure accessibility for survivors who need to use service animals.” Persons interested in participating in the Animal Working Group are invited to contact Amber Guthrie. 2