Health, Wellness and Fitness for People & Pets JUNE 2015 | Page 38

  Spay  &  Neuter:  Responsible  pet  ownership     The  decision  to  spay  or  neuter  your  pet  can  be  the  single  best  decision  you  make  for  your  furry  family   member’s  long-­‐term  welfare.  Spaying  and  Neutering  our  pets  help  them  to  live  happier,  healthier,  and   longer  lives  while  also  helping  to  reduce  pet  over  population,  which  also  saves  lives!  It  is  right  around   this  time  of  year  when  the  serious  extent  of  pet  over  population  becomes  overwhelmingly  clear  because   all  of  the  shelters  in  our  community  fill  up  with  unwanted  pregnant  females  and  their  puppies.  This   serious  issue  can  be  so  easily  curbed  if  people  would  just  take  the  responsibility  of  spaying  and  neutering   their  animals.     There  are  so  many  reasons  why  spaying  and  neutering  our  pets  should  be  the  obvious  choice.  First  and   foremost,  we  all  want  out  fur  children  to  live  the  longest,  healthiest  happy  lives  possible  and  a  sure  way   to  exponentially  increase  the  odds  of  achieving  this  goal  is  to  have  our  pets  spayed  and  neutered!  Studies   show  that  neutered  male  dogs  live  18%  longer  than  in  tact  male  dogs  and  spayed  female  dogs  live  23%   longer  than  un-­‐spayed  female  dogs.  Spaying  and  neutering  our  furry  companions  helps  to  prevent   infections  and  cancers  in  the  reproductive  systems  which  is  fatal  in  about  50%  of  dogs!     Not  only  is  spaying  and  neutering  our  pets  what  is  in  their  best  interest  health  wise,  it  is  in  the  best   interest  for  all  of  the  homeless  dogs  in  our  communities!  Nationwide,  more  than  2.7  million  healthy,   adoptable,  deserving  cats  and  dogs  are  euthanized  in  shelters  every  year.  This  is  a  tragic  fact  and  the  only   true  way  to  help  minimize  this  horrific  number  is  to  spay  and  neuter  our  pets  so  they  cannot  reproduce   offspring  that  are  only  going  to  end  up  in  shelters.  Because  really,  a  shelter  life  is  hardly  a  life  at  all!     Curbing  unwanted  behavior  is  another  great  reason  to  spay  and  neuter  our  pets.  Un  altered  dogs  and  cats   are  instinctually  driven  to  urine  mark.  This  is  a  terrible  habit  to  have,  especially  inside  the  house!  Spaying   and  neutering  dogs  will  reduce  urine  marking  and  may  even  stop  it  all  together.  Excessive  barking,   mounting  and  other  dominance  related  behaviors  are  all  behaviors  that  can  be  minimized  through   spaying  and  neutering  as  well.  Despite  common  misconceptions,  although  getting  your  pet  spayed  or   neutered  can  help  curb  undesirable  behaviors,  it  will  not  change  their  fundamental  personality.  So,  a  dog   with  high  energy  will  still  have  high  energy  after  being  spayed  or  neutered.  Neutering  a  male  dog  also   dramatically  minimizes  their  instinctual  focus  on  mating  so  that  it  is  possible  for  them  to  focus  on  other   things  in  life  like  their  human  family!  An  intact  male  and  a  female  in  heat  will  do  just  about  anything  to   find  a  mate,  including  escaping  from  home.  Free  roaming  dogs  obviously  are  at  a  high  risk  of  being   injured  in  traffic,  are  exposed  to  the  potential  for  a  fight  with  another  animal  and  countless  other   mishaps.       Obedience  training  with  a  dog  who  can  focus  on  life  with  their  humans  versus  their  only  desire  of  mating   can  dramatically  improve  the  canine  to  human  relationship  and  it  also  allows  training  in  a  group  class   setting  to  be  much  more  manageable  since  the  dog  can  really  focus  on  learning  new  things!  Enabling  our   pets  to  live  a  life  not  primarily  focused  on  reproducing  and  reproducing   only,  we  are  really  enhancing  their  quality  of  life  while  simultaneously   helping  to  keep  the  pet  overpopulation  under  control!  And  to  add  to  that,   spayed  and  neutered  dogs  also  have  the  opportunity  to  get  the  enjoyment   and  fulfillment  of  a  full  day  of  play  here  at  Camp  Bow  Wow!  J       Samm  Weymouth   Certified  Dog  Trainer  &  Behavior  Specialist   Camp  Bow  Wow®,  Behavior  Buddies®