Health, Wellness and Fitness for People & Pets JUNE 2015 | Page 29

1. Don't Be Afraid to Build Muscle

Many women believe that the only way to build muscle is through lifting weights. Simply put: that's not true. Resistance training using tools like your body weight, resistance bands and medicine balls is a great way to not only build muscle, but sculpt and re-shape your body with lean muscle.

The best way to begin re-shaping your body is to begin a resistance training workout three times per week. A better way to keep the muscle your body is building is to consume protein—in the form of a shake or a hard boiled egg —within 45 minutes of ending your workout.

A great way to get into resistance training is in boot camp classes. Boot camps are known for using a variety of functional tools and body weight exercises to challenge their members to create lean muscle.

2. Make a Plan and Keep It

Having a plan is the difference between the individual who makes a New Year's resolution to work out and quits a few months later, and the one who sticks with it. We have all heard, "no one plans to fail, but they do fail to plan."

Whether the plan is to meet a friend at the gym everyday at the same time or it's to get moving during your lunch break, sticking to your plan will help you reach your workout goals in a timely fashion.

3. Work Out With a Purpose

Working out just to say you did is wonderful, but not much in the way of long-term motivation. If you don't have a plan or a purpose for working out, it will become difficult to stick with an exercise program.

Losing weight is a goal many women have in mind when they begin a lifestyle change. However, it is wise to consider other benefits of an exercise program such as improved health, increased agility, coordination and overall fitness level. Those are all tangible reasons that will serve as motivation to continue a long-term exercise program.

6. Have Fun

There's no law that says exercise has to be boring. Most trainers and everyday people who have lost weight and kept it off know that exercise should be fun. Work out by doing what you love. If you love dance, Zumba is a great way to get your blast of cardio. If you seek a challenging workout that involves interval training and resistance workouts, then an outdoor boot camp is for you.

Don't let the trial and error way of thinking derail your attempts at sculpting your body and making lifestyle changes that will last a lifetime.

These tips are tried and true and brought to you so you don't have to experience all the common fitness pitfalls that can slow your progress.