Team Effort Makes A New Man
Charleston man gains control of his health with help from SBL Care Coordination team .
Todd Bowlin looks forward to each day with newfound energy . “ I feel like a new man ,” he said .
Todd and his wife , Lydia , credit the care coordination team at Sarah Bush Lincoln for helping them navigate the healthcare system to get a Medtronic insulin pump in place to control Todd ’ s diabetes . “ The team we had behind us was amazing . I actually feel like getting up and doing things now . They gave me my life back ,” he said .
Todd ’ s quality of life had been dwindling since he was diagnosed with diabetes 10 years ago . Doctors first treated him for type 2 diabetes since he was an adult at onset , but when prescribed medication stopped working , doctors determined that Todd was a ‘ late bloomer ’ with type 1 diabetes ( once known as juvenile diabetes ).
6 healthstyles january 2017