Brick House Bar & Grill , Charleston
Heart to Heart
Heart to Heart offers area residents an opportunity to have several cardiopulmonary screens performed that may reveal interrelated and potentially life-threatening diseases .
The cost of the basic program is $ 95 .
• blood sugar
• blood pressure
• body mass index
• cardiac CT-calcium scoring
• coronary risk profile ( cholesterol )
• electrocardiogram ( EKG )
• kidney function
• prostate specific antigen ( PSA )
Take Down Heart Disease 5 to 7 pm Thursday , February 23
Brick House Bar & Grill , Charleston
Two free drink tickets / Appetizers / Yeti Cooler Door Prize
This event is for men only . Matt will be speaking on the importance of physical fitness and staying active .
For an additional $ 95 , the following screens are offered to detect peripheral vascular disease .
• abdominal aortic ultrasound
• ankle brachial index
• carotid ultrasound
If you are interested in participating in Heart to Heart , contact The Heart Center at Sarah Bush Lincoln at
217-258 – 2238
Matt Hughes is the nine-time World Welterweight Champion of the UFC . He has traveled the world and become a household name among mixed martial arts fans . Matt is also the host of the hunting program , The Takedown , on the Sportsman ’ s Channel . He was born and raised in Hillsboro , IL , and lives there with his wife and three children .
Also speaking will be Prairie Heart Cardiologist Michael LaMonto , DO , on health risk factors of heart health . A variety of SBL health professionals will also be on hand to answer your questions about fitness , tobacco cessation , the Heart to Heart program , weight management , sleep disorders and diabetes .
Reservations required . Call 217-258-2420 or email jtruesdale @ sblhs . org by February 16 .