Oh , Baby !
Sarah Bush Lincoln Prenatal Education Program
Preparing for a new baby is a special time . Sarah Bush Lincoln staff members provide parents with support and information on birth and parenting , through a wide range of prenatal classes .
“ We have updated and streamlined our childbirth classes ,” Perinatal Educator and Lactation Consultant Jacquelyn Ordner , RN , said . “ The new classes are shorter , but they ’ re just as informative .”
Designed to fit into people ’ s fast-paced lifestyles , the classes teach parents what to expect before , during and after the births of their babies . “ Our goal is to give new parents the tools to have the birth experiences they want ,” she said . “ There are choices you can make , but you can only make those choices if you know they exist . That ’ s why childbirth education classes are so great ,” Ordner said .
Jacquelyn Ordner , RN
Perinatal Education Coordinator
Childbirth education classes provide a great forum for asking questions to ease parents ’ concerns . They help prepare parents for many aspects of childbirth , including the changes that pregnancy brings ; warning signs that something is wrong ; ways to make a pregnancy , labor , and delivery more comfortable ; breathing and relaxation techniques ; and what to expect every step of the way . Many classes also address what to expect after the baby is born , including breastfeeding , baby care and navigating the emotional challenges of new parenthood . A tour of the renovated Women and Children ’ s Center is included .
Childbirth and Infant Care Classes
Oh , Baby ! Two-Week Comprehensive Childbirth This course is ideal for those interested in “ Natural Childbirth ” and “ Active Labor ” methods .
Oh , Baby ! Express This course is great for those whose schedules can ’ t accommodate the Two-Week Comprehensive course , but who still want to learn the essentials for delivery at Sarah Bush Lincoln . It ’ s also a great refresher for parents who have already experienced birth .
Expectant mothers and their birth partners can attend either Oh , Baby ! or Oh , Baby ! Express for $ 30 , materials included . The fee is $ 15 for WIC and Medicaid participants , but no one is turned away due to an inability to pay . Preregistration is required .
Feed Me , I ’ m Yours Breastfeeding Seminar This free class is “ a must ” for anyone who is planning to breastfeed ! It will prepare mothers for their first breastfeeding experiences and equip mothers who had poor experiences previously for breastfeeding success .
Infant Child CPR Taught by a certified instructor , this class offers parents and caregivers the American Heart Association ’ s life-saving techniques for using cardiopulmonary resuscitation on infants and young children . This is a non-certifying course , $ 10 for mom and birth partner , $ 5 for additional persons .
Bootie Kamp ! Infant Care Seminar Designed to meet the needs of new parents and grandparents , this free course covers :
• How to Care for Your Newborn ( including bathing tips )
• Circumcision and Cord Stump Care
• SIDS Prevention
• Common Newborn Appearances ( including molding , milia and rashes )
• Tips for Calming a Fussy Baby
• What You Really Need vs . Products You Can Live Without
We ’ ve got your back ! Epidural Class A member of the SBL anesthesia team educates participants on epidural pain relief , through this free class .
Big Brother , Big Sister Pajama Party ! Sibling Class This fun course is designed to prepare siblings for the arrival of a new baby . Offered for $ 5 per child , it includes a discussion of baby “ do ’ s and don ’ ts ,” a movie , snack , photo opportunity and more !
For more information or to register , call Perinatal Education Coordinator Jacquelyn Ordner , RN , at 217-258-BABY ( 2229 ) or go to www . sarahbush . org . Follow Ordner ’ s blog through Sarah Bush Lincoln ’ s “ Well Notes ”.
12 healthstyles january 2017