Cremation …
Achoice that ’ sassimple … or as elaborate as you wish .
If you ’ ve decided on cremation , you probably have amultitude of questions . “ Can Ihave aservice or aviewing ? What about costs ?” These questions are easily answered , but only if you know who to ask . We ’ reavailable to answer your questions , big or small . Feel free to call us … you ’ ll be glad you did
110 W . Hansell St . Thomasville , GA 31792
( 229 ) 226-6331 allenfh . com
Thomas County ’ s Only Crematory
691496-1 686840-1
Did you know ?
Cherries are a popular fruit and for good reason . Not only do cherries ’ blend of sweet-sour flavor entice the taste buds , but cherries also are loaded with essential vitamins and nutrients . Cherries are good sources of fiber and vitamin C . According to Livestrong . com , Acerola cherries have the most vitamin C of all cherry varieties . A one-cup serving gives you more than 10 times the amount you need in a day . Caution is needed if you eat Acerola cherries and take vitamin C supplements , as kidney stones can arise in such instances . Generally , cherries also are high in potassium , which is needed for nerve function , blood pressure regulation and muscle contraction . According to Healthline , cherries are full of antioxidant plant compounds , particularly those that offer anti-inflammatory properties . Cherries can help combat oxidative stress , which is a condition that is linked to premature aging and other chronic diseases . Another benefit to cherries is their effect on sleep . The Cleveland Clinic says that cherries are good sources of melatonin and also contain tryptophan , the hormones involved in sleep regulation . Studies have shown that eating the fruit or drinking tart cherry juice before bed can increase sleep time and overall sleep efficiency . Cherries can reduce inflammation , strengthen the immune system , aid in weight management , protect the cardiovascular system , and help people get the rest they need , which means it may be time to include more cherries in your diet . hm
30 Health Matters • Spring 2023