Health Innovation Week 2017 - Digital Magazine hiw_digital_magazine_2017 | Page 16
HIMSS Europe Executive
Leadership Summit in
collaboration with KPMG
Russ Branzell, CEO CHIME; Tracy Scotter, Director of Digital Health KPMG;
Richard Corbridge, CIO, HSE; Jane Carolan, Interim CIO HSE; Mark Davies, CMO HIMSS
The third Executive Leadership summit in Ireland was
held in the Mansion House Round Room on the 24th
of October. Chaired by Dr. Mark Davies, Chief Medical
Officer at HIMSS UK, there were three streams, each with a
moderator and a number of different speakers. Following
presentations, the panel of speakers was questioned by
the moderator and from the floor, generating thought
provoking discussion and shared learning. Over the course
of the day there were 13 different presentations from a
range of experts with diverse backgrounds and you can
see the full agenda here ( As well as
the three tracks, CHIME, an internationally-renowned
leadership development organisation, lead a workshop on
the challenges and opportunities for health IT leaders.
The three areas the day focused on were:
The Mansion House, Dublin
24th October, 2017
Using innovation to build a better health
service in Ireland, moderated by Sean
Donaghy, Director of eHealth, Health and
Social Care Board, N Ireland.
Overcoming barriers to digital change:
international insights, moderated by Richard
Corbridge, Chief Information Officer, Health
Service Executive.
The empowered patient: how patient centred
design principles lead to success moderated
by Dr. Mark Davies, Chief Medical Officer,
Reflecting on the day, Dr. Mark Davies
“ELS Ireland brought together all
those leading the digitalisation of
healthcare in Ireland. Suppliers,
policy leads and those leaders
from the service engaged in lively
discussion of the priority areas
namely; implementation challenges,
lessons from international
experience and patient engagement.
It is impressive seeing the progress
that Ireland is making and we look
forward to pulling everyone together
again at ELS Ireland next year.”