Health For Teens May 2014 | Page 6

Let me help you start off with some tips to help you with maintaining good health by sleeping well. First of all you can start off by relaxing your body right before you sleep, such as taking a bath or eating a light snack. Eating too much on the other hand would harm you because when you sleep your digestive system slows down, making it uncomfortable for you and can cause you to have gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Not having any food in your stomach before you sleep can cause you to wake up during the middle of the night with hunger pains. Another thing teenagers enjoy to do is to nap, but I want to inform you that taking a nap after 3 pm will make it harder for you to sleep at night. You might be tired during the day but try to avoid it so that you won’t have trouble sleeping at night.

Sleep is an important factor in our lives, so we should not waste it for other unnecessary activities we do during the day. When we decide to game or watch television during the day instead of getting all the work we need done, we are just taking time away from our sleep. Allowing yourself to manage your time better could allow you to fit in some of the extra activities you might want to do, but if you are stuck late at night watching your favorite television show or going on Facebook you are not doing yourself a favor and you are not living a healthy life. So we should sacrifice some of the time we spend on leisure activities and allow ourselves to get a bit more rest at night.

Now you are more aware of the small things you do that can affect your sleep, you either torture yourself by continuing with your bad habits or you benefit from it and you will live a healthy lifestyle.

Importance of Rest

Sleeping to many of us is a time for rest and relaxation. Well the truth is it’s not. Sleep is something that should benefit us, but as teenagers we don’t use it for our own benefit but instead we harm ourselves by eating too late, working too late, or napping during the day. Knowing the basics about sleep will help you get a deeper understanding about how things can really affect you.

When we talk about sleep we should not only think about fundamental information we always hear. We should open up our brains to let more information in, such as knowing how to get more sleep or how sleep can affect your everyday life.

Let’s start off by introducing you to the different ways sleep can affect your daily lives. Sleep can affect you in three different ways, your daily performance, you mood, and your health. Losing sleep can affect your daily performance. shows us that sleep helps with our thinking, reacting, and creating memories, it can also help us problem solve. When you don’t get the minimum 9 hours of sleep a day it can hurt your performance in school or when you are hanging out with friends. It can cause you to make bad decisions or take risks that would really harm you. Your mood is also connected to how you perform because it can cause you to make rash decisions or choices you don’t mean to make, but another main point to this is a lack of sleep can cause us as teenagers to suffer depression. Finally, lack of sleep increases the possibility of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other conditions.

Some advantages of sleep include recovery from sickness, improving memory, increased life span, improved grades, and many others. So neglecting sleep is not something people your age would want to do, especially when most of us plan to keep our grades up.