Health Directory - Union-Recorder January-March 2022 | Page 18

Page 18
JAN - MAR • Health Directory 2022

3 simple ways to eat healthier every day

Diets can be difficult to navigate . Since no two people are the same , a healthy diet that satisfies one person won ’ t necessarily satisfy another . Vegetarians might be perfectly happy without chicken or steak , while some people might shudder at the notion of never indulging in the occasional filet mignon .

While the most effective diets tend to be those that emphasize nutrition while still allowing individuals to indulge in some of their favorite dishes in moderation , the following are three ways that everyone , regardless of their personal preference , can eat healthy every day .
1 . Eat lots of whole-grain carbohydrates .
Fad diets tend to paint carbs as the enemy , but various studies have shown just how integral carbohydrates , particularly whole-grain varieties , are to a healthy diet . One such study published in 2018 in the medical journal The Lancet Public Health found that diets that got between 50 and 55 percent of their calories from plant-based carbohydrates like whole grains were associated with a lower risk of mortality than lowcarb diets that favored animal-derived protein sources . When buying carbs at the grocery store , shoppers can opt for whole-grain varieties , including wholegrain pastas , brown rice and cereals . That won ’ t require sacrificing flavor and makes for a simple way to eat healthier every day .
2 . Make a concerted effort to eat more fruits and vegetables .
The United Kingdom-based National Health Service , which is the largest single-payer healthcare system in the world , recommends eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day . That may sound like a lot , but it ’ s pretty easy to incorporate all those healthy fruits and veggies into a diet . For example , add a serving of antioxidant-rich blueberries to your cereal bowl each morning . At dinner time , allow vegetables to take up the most real estate on your plate . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that diets rich in fruits and veggies can help people control their weight and may even reduce their risk for certain diseases , including cancer . 3 . Kick added sugars to the curb . Avoiding added sugars is another way anyone , regardless of their food preferences , can eat healthier every day . Healthy foods such as fruit contain natural sugars , and these don ’ t pose a threat to overall health . However , added sugars , which the Harvard Medical School notes are found in many foods and can include honey , molasses and corn syrup , can increase a person ’ s risk for various conditions and diseases , including obesity , heart disease and diabetes . Fruit contains fiber that slows the absorption of natural sugars , but the body digests added sugars much more quickly , leading to an uptick in blood sugar levels that can ultimately contribute to diabetes . Added sugars can be found in a host of foods and beverages , including some that aren ’ t generally considered unhealthy , like bread , certain breakfast cereals and pasta sauces . When shopping , consumers should read nutrition labels and avoid products with excessive amounts of sugar .
Eating healthy does not require people to abandon their favorite foods . A few simple adjustments can be all it takes to improve the nutritional value of your diet .