Health Department | Page 6

Goal: Increase the Proportion of Persons Who Have a Consistent Source of Ongoing Care The New Hope Recovery Center, Located in Zion, is one of two drop-in centers run by the Health Department. The other is located in Waukegan. T he Health Department opened a second drop-in center for Williams Consent Decree class members and other community members in early 2015. The center, named the New Hope Recover Center of Lake County, is designed to provide a nonclinical environment for individuals who have experienced mental health and/or substance abuse issues. On average, 35 patients use the Health Located in Zion, the supervised space offers individuals a comfortable place to socialize, receive support from their peers, access computers and engage in activities to promote social skills. During 2015, the Center assisted 11 people per day on average. Department’s drop-in The Health Department’s other drop-in center is located in Waukegan. It assisted 24 people per day on average. The overall goal of the Williams Consent Decree Program is to move consumers from state-funded facilities into permanent supportive housing where they will have independence and support. Funding is the result of a lawsuit brought against the State of Illinois. basis. centers in Zion and Waukegan on a daily 6