Health Department | Page 10

Goal: Reduce the Percentage of Adults and Children in Lake County Who are Overweight or Obese Through the Rx for Health initiative, residents walk in forest preserves throughout the county accompanied by a naturalist and a physician. Created as a collaborative effort by the Health countywide collaborative branding effort called Lake Department, the Lake County Forest Preserve District County Life. and NorthShore University HealthSystem, the Rx for Health: Walking in Nature initiative invited residents to walk in preserves while talking with a naturalist and a physician. Launched in 2014, it aligns with the Health Department’s Live Well Lake County initiative to increase physical activity, healthy eating and quality of life opportunities to reduce the number of adults and children in the county who are over- During 2015, nine walks took place in forest preserves throughout the county. In 2016, the Health Department will continue to promote the event to patients at its community health centers and help community partners use the walks as opportunities to engage with their priority populations. Eight walks have been planned for 2016 between April 15 and October 15. weight or obese. The initiative is also part of a 10