The following recolection was that of a reader who recorded her feelings about her first couple days in paris.
To start I'd like to say Paris is beautiful. Not just in architecture but also in the people, food and environment. I think the people are especially beautiful. The way they move and talk and dress is
so foreign to me and I love it. I must admit it isn't just a myth that the boys are cuter it's a fact. I ended up taking pictures of people more than buildings. I can google any building and find it but I can't just see people in their normal habits. I saw the two most beautiful boys smoking a cigarette leaning against the river bridge enjoying the sun with out a care in the world. I had to ask to take their photo because they were just so happy it was beautiful.
We also walked across another bridge and saw these little boys playing accordion for spare change. It overwhelmed me with a sense of both sorrow and beauty. They looked so sad but hopeful I just wanted to see their smiles.
My favourite part of everything I've seen so far has to be the little streets that are so small and narrow cars don't